Sunday, December 29, 2019

Apache Cassandr A Open Source Distributed Database...

Apache Cassandra Ashish Penti Computer Science Department University of North Carolina - Charlotte Charlotte, NC, U.S.A ABSTRACT Apache Cassandra is another open source distributed database management system developed to handle large data sets. It is a gift given to the big data users by Facebook in 2008. The purpose of this research is to highlight the importance of Cassandra in the world of NoSQL by discussing about some of the main questions like, what are the difficulties faced with the traditional relational database management systems, how these issues are solved by using NoSQL, how Cassandra came into existence, why it is used by some of the major organizations to handle their data sets, etc. In pursuit of finding reasons for†¦show more content†¦There are many NoSQL databases and each either have some common functionalities or have some unique functionalities when compared to the relational model. The main thing to be considered is that none of the NoSQL results work for all scenarios. Each works better than the relational models and satisfies some subsets of the use cases. Apache Cassandra is one of the NoSQL databases which is most widely used in the industrial market. This article gives a detailed information about Cassandra, its functionalities, its advantages and disadvantages which seem to be deceptive for someone who look at Cassandra for the first time. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Difficulties with traditional RDBMS In the initial stages of evolution of databases, relational databases systems was designed as a solution to the problems of flat file databases. A relational database stores data in multiple table. This technique helped to overcome the issues like data duplication, data noise and inconsistency which ensured that the data is entered and stored only once. Later as the data grew in size, it became a challenging task to handle such a significantly large amount of data. Key features like high data velocity, data variety, data volume and data complexity are few important reasons which the traditional database systems failed to handle successfully. As a result NoSQL came into

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Obesity is NOT a Disease Essay - 2361 Words

The leading cause of emphysema is due to the smoking of cigarettes, just as the leading cause of HIV/AIDS is due to unprotected sex. Obesity contributes to heart disease as well as several other diseases. Unprotected sex, smoking, and obesity are not the disease; they are the cause of disease. Many public forums such as the news, health professionals, educational articles, and pharmaceutical companies have referred to obesity as a disease. There is a growing debate in America about whether or not obesity is a disease and if it is appropriate to call it a disease. Obesity has not been officially classified as a disease but many feel it is necessary. Obesity should not be classified as a disease - it does not fit the fefinition. Obesity is†¦show more content†¦There are many unknowns about obesity which make it difficult to pinpoint such as, whether it is inherited, genetic, or completely self imposed. If obesity is classified as a disease, according to this definition, it is implied that individuals have no responsibility for being obese, it happens completely random. However, the obese hold full responsibility for their appearance and by no means is obesity accidental or random. Obesity is a self-imposed condition brought about by destruction. Otis Kramer and Nancy Sprague declare that obesity is the result of consuming excess calories and not engaging in enough physical activity (par. 7). Overweight people are aware of the gradual physical changes to their body before becoming obese. By no means does obesity happen accidentally, it can almost always be prevented. An increase in food intake will always require an increase in physical activity. It is irrational to claim that obesity happens randomly and individuals have no responsibility for being obese. Critics argue that genetic factors play a role in obesity. Within the American Heritage Dictionary’s definition of disease, it mentions that a disease is a genetic effect (Hawley, par. 5). Genetics is a complicated topic which is why it is even more complicated when it comes to the genetics of obesity. Researchers haven’t established how great of an impact genetics have onShow MoreRelatedChildhood Obesity Is Not Only A Problem1666 Words   |  7 PagesChildhood obesity is not only a problem, it is an epidemic that is occurring in the United States. ​This problem is often caused by children eating too much and not exercising enough. Childhood obesity became a problem between 1990 ­2000. It started with children s BMI increasing and weight gain. Obesity causes emotional and physical damage to the child. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Business Ethics for Liberal

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Ethics for Liberal Utilitarianismand Applied. Answer: It is seen from the video that Apple usually hires people with different ideas and the dream of being something big. It maintains a professional environment and likes to get employees with some uniqueness. However, the company should wish to hire people that are at the verge to start a career and has no idea of any uniqueness or a pace to reach in future. The company should try to give the beginners a new aim in life instead of just hiring people that have already some specific goals in life. It is evitable from the video that Apple maintains strong ethical values in their organization by keeping happiness of the employees as their main motives. They always maintain a good culture in which every employee of the organization is respected and given a chance to present something. This shows that Apple maintains a Utilitarianism ethical theory in which happiness is put in the central and happiness for the greatest number of people (Hayry 2013). This helps Apple to operate in a team in which everyone works for the happiness of each other. The company also offers the employees to work for something meaningful and different from other others. Apple focuses at pushing the envelope as much as possible in which they advice the employees to work and innovate as much as possible. According to them, there is no end to innovation and growth. On the other hand, the company also has the motive of thinking out of the box. According to them, there is nothing inside the box. Both the motive of Apple exhibits low ethical behavior of the company because due to this the company tries to hire candidates having some great ideas or has achieved something big in life. This lowers the chances of people that want to start from the scratch and wants to learn something new (Cianci et al. 2014). Ethical leader is the one that are assisted by ethics and value to take actions in the organization according to everyones interest. Some of the concepts related to ethical leader are honesty, fairness, consideration and others. Ethical leader takes care of his employees and work accordingly for the happiness of everyone. To ensure that the leader is working ethically it is necessary to ensure they treat their team members, customers and other with trust and dignity. In the given scenario, the organization has lack of ethics in their environment, as they do not work according to the interest of their employees. Moreover, the employees are not respected and treated well. They are made to work for longer hours and paid less wages. Thus to incorporate ethical leader in this scenario it is necessary that the leaders maintain a good relationship with the employees (Letwin et al. 2016). The leader should take actions for the benefits of the business by not compromising the happiness of the employees. The first step that the leader can practically used is increasing profit by employing new machines and equipments to increase productivity rather than forcing the employees to work for longer hours. Instead of cutting down the cost, the company should focus at employing modern machines at competitive cost and try to increase productivity to earn higher revenue (Bonner et al. 2016). This will allow the leader to use utilitarian approach of ethical behavior in which it should work for the happiness of everyone and ensure that happiness is reached to maximum number of people along with increasing profit for the organization. Behaving like an ethical leader had a lot of benefits both to the organization as well as to the employees. the common benefit of being an ethical leader are reduces the liability of the business, helps the employees to take decision according to the motive of the business, offer good quality customers service and reduces errors. In the given scenario, it is seen that an ethic leader can benefit the organization in many ways. For instance if the leader acts according to the interest of the employees such as not cutting their wage or paying extra wages for extra hours worked the employees will be motivated to work more and give their best (Shin et al. 2015). This will help the company to increase their productivity than before by same number of labors working for it number of hours. Increased production means increased revenue and profit. Further the leader can also employee modern machinery within the organization and expect an increase in its productivity and revenue. This shows tha t cutting down cost is not the only way to increase profit in the organization. Profits can also increase by being ethical and offering added benefits and motivation to employees to work hard. Thus shows an ethical leader working for the happiness of his employees will always benefit them as well as the company. This shows that being ethical will not have a positive effect on the employees and on the organization as well due to increased productivity and revenue (Sharif and Scandura 2014). Thus, ethical leader requires an alternative step that the organization took for increasing profit. References Bonner, J.M., Greenbaum, R.L. and Mayer, D.M., 2016. My boss is morally disengaged: The role of ethical leadership in explaining the interactive effect of supervisor and employee moral disengagement on employee behaviors.Journal of Business Ethics,137(4), pp.731-742. Cianci, A.M., Hannah, S.T., Roberts, R.P. and Tsakumis, G.T., 2014. The effects of authentic leadership on followers' ethical decision-making in the face of temptation: An experimental study.The Leadership Quarterly,25(3), pp.581-594. Hayry, M., 2013.Liberal utilitarianism and applied ethics. Routledge. Letwin, C., Wo, D., Folger, R., Rice, D., Taylor, R., Richard, B. and Taylor, S., 2016. The right and the good in ethical leadership: Implications for supervisors performance and promotability evaluations.Journal of Business Ethics,137(4), pp.743-755. Sharif, M.M. and Scandura, T.A., 2014. Do perceptions of ethical conduct matter during organizational change? Ethical leadership and employee involvement.Journal of Business Ethics,124(2), pp.185-196. Shin, Y., Sung, S.Y., Choi, J.N. and Kim, M.S., 2015. Top management ethical leadership and firm performance: Mediating role of ethical and procedural justice climate.Journal of Business Ethics,129(1), pp.43-57.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Based Lp in Poetry Essay Example For Students

Based Lp in Poetry Essay She will share the link http://knowing. Thinker. Org/writer/Thebes. Asp in the students faceable group for them to access the audio book. C. She will suggest exploring on the control buttons as they view and listen to the poem. D. She will encourage them to use/ apply what they learned from exploring the audio book to their reading activity. E. After the reading activity, she will ask the following questions:- What words enhance the aesthetic value of the poem? How do these words create the mood/ atmosphere and emphasize the theme? Why do you think the speaker is fascinated to the bell? What does it represent? Student Activities: a. To view the poem, the students will access the link shared by the teacher in their faceable group. B. They will explore the features of the audio book to modify the setting of the poem and conceptualize presentation techniques. C. They will apply the techniques learned in the actual presentation of their group reading activity. D. After the eating activ ity, the students are to answer orally the following questions:- What words enhance the aesthetic value of the poem? How do these words create the mood/ atmosphere and emphasize the theme? Why do you think the speaker is fascinated to the bell? What does it represent? 5. Designing/ students collaborate in analyzing the language structure of the poem. They will link graphics and media clips into their flowcharts to aid interpretation of words that suggest sound devices. The use of activities software and electronic whiteboard enables touch-screen application which helps in attaining/maintaining the focus of he students while showcasing presentations. Teacher Activities: f. The teacher will assign the following tasks:-Group 1- identifying occasions that can be associated to the different sounds of bell -Group 2- creating a Pictorial of rhyming words -Group 3- picking out alliteration and presenting lines of song with the same structure Group 4- picking out consonance and assonance and presenting slogans with the same structure g. She will discuss briefly the criteria in evaluating their output. H. She will prompt them to start by opening activities from their desktop. Student Activities: a. Students will listen for the teachers instruction. B. On teachers cue, they will open the activities from their desktop and start working on the following group tasks:Group 1- identifying occasions that can be associated to the different sounds of bullfrogs 2- creating a Pictorial of rhyming words Group 3- picking out alliteration and presenting lines of song with the same structure Group 4- picking out assonance or consonance and presenting slogans with the same structure. C. They will have 10 minute preparation and 10 minute presentation of their outputs. 6. Composing Digital Poem Overview: To be given as an assignment, he students will compose poems with sound devices. Their poems will be developed into a slideshows and will be uploaded in their faceable group for peer critiquing. Teacher Activities: a. The teacher will show an example off slideshows off poem. B. Then she will tell them to compose their own poem using sound devices and developing it into a slideshows. C. She will remind them, that at the end of the poem, they should include a brief note of dedication to someone the poem is addressed. D. Then, finally, she will tell them to share their output in their faceable group for peer critiquing.