Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Western Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Western Culture - Essay Example Centuries ago, the culture of a country was modified by wars and invasions. But now cultures are influenced by the corporate scenario in the country. Whenever a corporate giant enters a country’s local markets, it inevitably introduces a few subtle variations in the existing cultural practices. At the same time, the company has to respect local sensibilities and make certain changes in their strategies. A company’s success in the local markets depends immensely on how skillfully they negotiate the culture of that country, and in turn use it to their advantage. Once the company strikes the right balance, there is an intermingling of cultures, which introduces western cultural influences to the already existing local norms. A failure on the part of the company to adapt to local practices can prove to be a business disaster. For instance, the retail giant Wal-Mart was forced to completely shut down its operations in Germany and South Korea, when the local public did not approve of their characteristic working styles. (Schaefer, 2009) It would be beneficial to study an example to facilitate a better understanding of the influences of western culture brought about by corporate giants. McDonald’s, the world’s largest chain of fast food restaurants has more than 30,000 restaurants in nearly a 100 countries and serves approximately 52 million people daily (Bhushan, 2002). McDonald’s was one of the first corporations to pioneer the field of quick service restaurants. It’s franchise in India is owned and managed locally, employing local staff and product suppliers. Hardcastle Restaurants Private Limited owns and manages McDonalds restaurants in the western region of India, while the northern territory restaurants are owned and managed by Vikram Bakshi’s Connaught Plaza Restaurants Private Limited. The first Mc Donald’s outlet was opened in India’s capital, New Delhi in October, 1996 and currently there are a total of 132 restaurants in the whole of

Monday, October 28, 2019

APush History Term Paper Essay Example for Free

APush History Term Paper Essay Robert La Follette, the son of a small farmer, was born in Dane County, Wisconsin, on 14th June, 1855. He worked as a farm labourer before entering the University of Wisconsin in 1875. In 1876 La Follette met Robert G. Ingersoll. He later recalled: Ingersoll had a tremendous influence upon me, as indeed he had upon many young men at the time. It was not that he changed my beliefs, but he liberated my mind. Freedom was what preached: he wanted the shackles off everywhere. He wanted men to think boldly about all things: he demanded intellectual and moral courage. After graduating in 1879 he set up as a lawyer and the following year became District Attorney of Dane County. Elected to Congress as a Republican, La Follette was extremely critical of the behaviour of some of the party bosses. In 1891, La Follette announced that the state Republican boss, Senator Philetus Sawyer, had offered him a bribe to fix a court case. Over the next six years La Follette built up a loyal following within the Republican Party in opposition to the power of the official leadership. Proposing a programme of tax reform, corporation regulation and an extension of political democracy, La Follette was elected governor of Wisconsin in 1900. Once in power La Follette employed the academic staff of the University of Wisconsin to draft bills and administer the laws that he introduced. He later recalled: I made it a policy, in order to bring all the reserves of knowledge and inspiration of the university more to the service of the people, to appoint experts from the university wherever possible upon the important boards of the state the civil service commission, the railroad commission and so on a relationship which the university has always encouraged and by which the state has greatly profited. La Follette was also successful in persuading the federal government to introduce much needed reforms. This included the regulation of the railway industry and equalized tax assessment. In 1906 La Follette was elected to the Senate and over the next few years argued that his main role was to protect the people from the selfish interests. He claimed that the nations economy was dominated by fewer than 100 industrialists. He went on to argue that these men then used this power to control the political process. La Follette supported the growth of trade unions as he saw them as a check on the power of large corporations. In 1909 La Follette and his wife, the feminist, Belle La Follette founded the La Follettes Weekly Magazine. The journal campaigned for womens suffrage, racial equality and other progressive causes. Lincoln Steffens argued: La Follette is the opposite of a demagogue. Capable of fierce invective, his oratory is impersonal; passionate and emotional himself, his speeches are temperate. Some of them are so loaded with facts and such closely knit arguments that they demand careful reading, and their effect is traced to his delivery, which is forceful, emphatic, and fascinating. Art Young, The Masses (1917) La Follette supported Woodrow Wilson in the 1912 presidential election and approved his social justice legislation. However, he complained that he was under the control of big business and was totally opposed to Wilsons decision to enter the First World War. Once war was declared La Follette opposed conscription and the passing of the Espionage Act. La Follette was accused of treason but was a popular hero with the anti-war movement. Lincoln Steffens was a great supporter of La Follette: Governor La Follette was a powerful man, who, short but solid, swift and willful in motion, in speech, in decision, gave the impression of a tall, a big man what I saw at my first sight of him was a sincere, ardent man who, whether standing, sitting, or in motion, but the grace of trained strength, both physical and mental Rather short in stature, but broad and strong, he had the gift of muscled, nervous power, he kept himself in training all his life. His sincerity, his integrity, his complete devotion to his ideal, were indubitable; no one who heard could suspect his singleness of purpose or his courage. La Follette became the candidate of the Progressive Party in the 1924 presidential election. Although he gained support from trade unions, individuals like Fiorello La Guardia and Vito Marcantonio, the Socialist Party and the Scripps-Howard newspaper chain, La Follette and his running partner, Burton K. Wheeler, only won one-sixth of the votes. Robert La Follette died on 18th June, 1925.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Investigating Fuels :: Papers

Investigating Fuels Aim; To find out the heat of combustion in the five fuels; Methanol, Ethanol, Propanol, Butanol, Pentanol, All of these alcohols are apart of the Hydrocarbon chain. Apparatus; I will need the following to carry out my investigation for the Experiment; Top pan balance - To measure the weight of the fuel. Clamp Stand - To hold the boiling tube above the crucible. Boiling tube - To hold 30 cubic centimetres of water in. Heat proof mat - So the Bunsen burner doesn't burn the table. Bunsen burner - I need the flame to light the taper. Measuring cylinder - To measure 30cc of water in. Mineral wool - So the taper can light the fuel easier. A stop clock - To time how long the fuel will burn. Taper - To light the fuel by using the flame from the Bunsen burner. Ruler - To measure the distance from the crucible to the boiling tube. Crucible - To carry the mineral wool and fuel in it. Diagram; Plan; First of all, I will set the clamp stand 3.5cm vertically higher then the crucible which then I put some mineral wool in and 30 drops of the fuel in. After that I am going to weigh the crucible making sure there is no other liquid or any other substances on the weigher, so I don't do not get any anomalous results. After I have recorded the weight I am going to place the crucible directly under the boiling tube, like shown in the diagram, and then I am going to pour 30 cubic centimetres into the measuring cylinder. To make sure I have exactly 30 cubic centimetres in the cylinder I have to get down on my knee and get my eye sight level to the mark which is labelled "30cc" to get the experiment as accurate and reliable as I can. When I am satisfied with how much water I have got in the cylinder, I will pour it in the

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Edwige Danticat’s Tones in We Are Ugly, But We Are Here :: Danticat We Are Ugly

Edwige Danticat’s Tones in We Are Ugly, But We Are Here   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When I first read â€Å"We Are Ugly, But We Are Here,† I was stunned to learn how women in Haiti were treated. Edwige Danticat, who was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in 1969 and immigrated to Brooklyn when she was twelve years old, writes about her experiences in Haiti and about the lives of her ancestors that she links to her own. Her specific purpose is to discuss what all these families went through, especially the women, in order to offer the next generation a voice and a future. Danticat writes vividly about events that occurred in Haiti, leading up to an assertion about the strength of Haitian women. Her essay is powerful in large part because of how she manages tone.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Danticat begins her essay with a tragic and bitter tone. She tells of the first people who were murdered when the Spaniards came to Haiti including Queen Anacaona, an Arawak Indian who ruled over the western part of the island. With bitterness she states, â€Å"Anacaona was one of their first victims. She was raped and killed and her village pillaged† (137).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After establishing this sad and bitter tone, Danticat moves to a more rejoiceful tone when she reminisces about the times when her grandmother would tell her stories: â€Å"My grandmother was an old country woman who always felt displaced in the City of Port-au-Prince—where we lived—and had nothing but her patched-up quilts and her stories to console her. She was the one who told me about Anacaona† (137). Danticat then shifts to a more neutral tone when she recalls her grandmother’s peaceful death with her eyes open. She took her grandmother’s death calmly because death was so frequent in Haiti. She further explains, â€Å"I have such a strong feeling that death is not the end, that the people we bury are going off to live somewhere else† (138).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Danticat’s factual tone becomes angrier when she remembers that the news broadcasts never mention women in places like Haiti. It was often hard to tell whether any women were living or breathing: â€Å"The women’s stories never manage to make the front page. However, they do exist† (139). The anger increases to outrage when she details atrocities committed including the shooting of a woman in her pregnant stomach because she was wearing a t-shirt that had an â€Å"anti-military image† on it (139).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Crosby V. National Foreign Trade Council

Crosby V. National Foreign Trade Council (99-474) 530 U. S. 363 (2000) 181 F. 3d 38, Affirmed. Crosby, Secretary of Administration and Finance of Massachusetts, Et Al. V. National Foreign Trade Council. Certiorari to the United States Court Of Appeals for the First Circuit. No. 99—474. Argued March 22, 2000–Decided June 19, 2000 2. Substantive Facts The State of Massachusetts barred companies of the state from going into financial negotiations with those companies that were having financial transaction with Burma.This law was passed in 1996. This law was followed by a subsequent conditional and mandatory imposition of sanctions on Burma by the Congress. After these incidents dissents arise from different quarters and the Council acted as respondent suited a file against the State of Massachusetts. The reason behind this was that much of the members of the Council were affected by the law. This suit was filed in the Federal Court. 3. Procedural HistoryThe main aspects of the issue was related to the fact that it was claimed that the State of Massachusetts was acting in an unconstitutional manner and it was an alleged infringement â€Å"on the federal foreign affairs power, violates the Foreign Commerce Clause, and is preempted by the federal Act. The District Court permanently enjoined the state Act’s enforcement, and the First Circuit affirmed† (Supreme Court of The United States, 1). 4. Issues legal questionThe fundamental legal question in this context was whether it was permitted under the jurisdiction of the State of Massachusetts to intervene in issues related to imposition of law that would directly affect a State and whether it was permitted under the jurisdiction of the State of Massachusetts to infringe on the grounds of Federal Foreign Affairs. 5. Broad holding Under the broad parameters of the law it could be stated that it is important to uphold the national policies in order to defend the Congress’s intention of f oreign policies.Under the same parameters it could also be stated that the policies of the Federal Foreign Affairs should not face any obstacle under any circumstances. It could be stated that â€Å"the state Act interferes with Congress’s intention to limit economic pressure against the Burmese Government to a specific range† (Supreme Court of The United States, 1). 6. Narrow holding The specific facts of this case indicated that the â€Å"Congress’s failure to preempt state and local sanctions demonstrates implicit permission–is unavailing† (Supreme Court of The United States, 1).However it should be stated that the basic assumption of the Supreme Court Clause hardly recognizes the conflict of interest between State Law and Federal Law system. 7. Doctrinal Reasoning The ruling stated that â€Å"the state Act is preempted, and its application unconstitutional, under the Supremacy Clause† (Supreme Court of The United States, 1). It should be mentioned that the doctrinal reasoning behind this rule is based on different previous cases and follows a specific line of explanation.It was stated that â€Å"even without an express preemption provision, state law must yield to a congressional Act if Congress intends to occupy the field, California v. ARC America Corp. , 490 U. S. 93, 100, or to the extent of any conflict with a federal statute, Hines v. Davidowitz, 312 U. S. 52, 66—67† (Supreme Court of The United States, 1). Additionally the† Barclays Bank PLC v. Franchise Tax Bd. of Cal. , 512 U. S. 298† was also used (Supreme Court of The United States, 1).It was reasoned that the State law was barring the basic objectives and purposes of the Congress it was not possible to oblige both the Federal and the State Law at the same time and no individual or party was able to satisfy both laws at one time. It also stated that â€Å"the state Act is such an obstacle, for it undermines the intended purpose and natural effect of at least three federal Act provisions† (Supreme Court of The United States, 1). 8. Policy Reasoning The social consideration in this context of the case between Crosby V.National Foreign Trade Council was very clear and precise as the fundamental question of the case was directly related to the international status of the country and the credibility of the National Foreign Trade Council as an effective policy maker. Thus the greater aspects of the national integrity were taken into consideration while ruling. 9. Miscellaneous The basic dissent relating to the case Crosby V. National Foreign Trade Council raised from the fact that it was argued that the National Foreign Trade Council should not be taken into consideration while judging the internal financial activities of a State.It is also argued that a State is assumed as a fundamental sovereign power to impose of rule out policies that are associated with the State affairs. Thus it was argued that the ruling was against the sovereignty of the State. References: Supreme Court of The United States. 2000. Crosby V. National Foreign Trade Council (99-474) 530 U. S. 363 (2000). Supreme Court Collection: Cornell University Law School. Retrieved on 12. 09. 2007 from http://www. law. cornell. edu/supct/html/99-474. ZS. html

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

John Marshalls Court rulings essays

John Marshalls Court rulings essays Hamilton was a federalist and served as the secretary of the treasury in the 1890s. He was a strong supporter of a centralized federal government. He also advocated loose interpretation of the u.s. constitution and the use of the elastic clause. Which was an ambiguous power of the federal government stating that congress can do what it is proper and necessary john Marshalls epitomizing of these Hamiltonian principals and philosophies can be seen in several of his court rulings. Such as, McCulloch vs. Maryland, Dartmouth college vs. Woodward, Gibbons vs. Ogden, and Cohens vs. Virginia. In the case Mcculloch vs. Maryland in 1819, Maryland brought a suit against McCulloch and bands him for refusing to pay a tax on the federal bank. Marshall said, the power to tax implies the power to destroy. Marshalls ruling sanctified the federal governments user of implied powers. His decision was in favor of the federal bank. It established the national supremacy over state governments. It also paved the way for vast expansion of federal power in the future. In the case of Dartmouth college vs. Woodward in 1919 as well, Dartmouth was telling its case on how they had been chartered in 1769 as a private school to train missionaries and native Americans in new Hampshire. Republican members of the board of trustees sought to have the state legislature convert the school into a new state university. The state court supported contention that the state had the right to alter the schools charter. The courts ruling was in favor of the republican board members. Daniel Webster appealed to the Supreme Court and Marshall overturned the state courts decision. This set the precedent for the Gosceant contract. It also set a precedent for the supreme courts power to overturn the state courts decisions. Which again had strengthened the central governments. In 1824 the Cohens were arrested for selling l...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Pride Prejudice †book review

Pride Prejudice – book review Free Online Research Papers Love and Security Sometimes inspiration can come when you least expect it. A smile from a stranger or a song on the radio can ignite your imagination and instantly transport you to a different time and place. I recently experienced this when I heard a song by the Eagles entitled â€Å"Lyin’ Eyes†. The song is about a girl who has to choose between love and security. After I heard this, I could now relate to Mr. Darcy’s struggle to find love. In reading Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Darcy is a man conflicted with feelings about love and a desire to follow the wishes of his family. Darcy’s proposal to Elizabeth is the most pivotal scene in the book because it’s the first time he is vulnerable to the opinion of others. However, when he enters the room to unveil his feelings for Elizabeth, he presents himself as a man in complete control assured of the answer she will give to him, â€Å"He spoke of apprehension and anxiety, but his countenance expressed real security† (125). Little does he know that Elizabeth will expose the fear of many men by refusing his proposal. This scene sets up the rest of the book and it outlines two choices Darcy must make about the type of man he wants to be. Will he be someone that offers love above all else or someone that offers security which is guaranteed by his social status? I feel that Darcy does not understand the effect of his family values on his relationships with other people. This makes him vulnerable when he interacts with people from a lower social status because when he offers help to someone and they accept it, he feels that the person should be grateful for the offer. I believe that these feelings are not isolated to the Darcy family but in fact exist throughout the elite social class. This is of course is in stark contrast to Elizabeth. She is motivated by her feelings not by material things. For example, when Mr. Collins proposed to Elizabeth, it was not out of love; it had more to do with the accumulation of wealth along with the offer of security. Offering security to Elizabeth was clearly not a problem to Mr. Darcy but his arrogance put him at risk to associate with people around him. During one such event held at Netherfield by Mr. Bingley, Mr. Darcy viewed the party attendees with disparaging eyes. For instance at the party, Elizabeth overheard Darcy saying to Mr. Bingley â€Å"She is tolerable but not handsome enough to tempt me; and I am in no humor at the present to give consequences to young ladies who are slighted by other men† (9). Without any precaution, Darcy formed his opinion based on outside appearance of a person. When Darcy later proposed to Elizabeth, she clearly recalled how his comments made her feel but did not bother to take his feelings into account when she rejected his marriage proposal. I don’t blame Elizabeth for being so insensitive to Darcy’s feeling because you can’t just judge the book by its cover. Judging too quickly seems to be a theme that appears throughout the book. Darcy tried to atone for his actions in a letter that he penned to Elizabeth but inadvertently exposed himself to more contemptible outbursts from her. In the letter he tried to explain why he had intervened between Jane and Mr. Bingley. In his defense, he tried to relate how the two should not be together but ended up just sounding boorish and insensitive. Elizabeth struggled reading the letter because there were parts of it which affirmed her feelings for him while others appeared to contradict her deeply held beliefs about him. Using the letter to communicate their feelings only seemed to exasperate the situation; a one-sided conversation can be had either by pen or by yelling. If these two people could just be in the same room and talk about their feelings! I chose the passage in the novel about Darcy’s wedding proposal because it seems to signal a pivotal change in their relationship. It seems like the author, Jane Austen, has set up the situation so the reader cannot quite lose hope that Elizabeth and Darcy will soon to marry. However, it is not until Darcy realizes that he must mature his feelings and beliefs about love that he can begin to appreciate Elizabeth. Since all of Elizabeth’s doubt about Darcy’s character is only known to the reader, I anticipated his transformation with each page. Research Papers on Pride Honest Iagos Truth through Deception19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraCapital PunishmentIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalQuebec and CanadaComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoStandardized Testing

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Societys View Of Mental Illness

, society is uncomfortable talking about or accepting mental illness. People constantly turn the other way or refuse to learn about or get to know a person if they have a mental disorder. First of all, we must ask ourselves: What is crazy? Cuomo and Ronacher (1998) say that people are called mentally healthy when they like their behaviour and that people are considered mentally unhealthy if their behaviour is â€Å"unacceptable† or if they don’t like the way that the person acts. Both the common person and psychiatrists judge or diagnose mental illness this way. Macdonald (2003) says that most of the time with mental illness, there is no medical proof, no evidence that there is anything wrong with you. Macdonald has Psychosis and low-grade Schizophrenia. He says that when he was diagnosed with these diseases, he had CAT scans and blood tests, among many other tests, but in actually being diagnosed, all that doctors can do is ask a series of questions to the patient and make a guess based on the responses that they get. Basically, you are diagnosed by opinion and not by actual medicine. He sometimes wonders if there is no suck thing as crazy, mayb e some people are different than others, maybe some people see or hear things that other people do not hear, but what they see could possibly be real, just doctors and society refuse to believe that it is real so these disorders have been d... Free Essays on Society's View Of Mental Illness Free Essays on Society's View Of Mental Illness Society’s View On Mental Illness defines â€Å"Mental Illness† as: â€Å"Any of various conditions characterized by impairment of an individual's normal cognitive, emotional, or behavioural functioning, and caused by social, psychological, biochemical, genetic, or other factors, such as infection or head trauma.† This definition seems normal enough, seems scientific; but if it is so scientific, if it is common to have a mental illness, then why does society have an â€Å"ostrich in the sand† view on mental illness? In other words, society is uncomfortable talking about or accepting mental illness. People constantly turn the other way or refuse to learn about or get to know a person if they have a mental disorder. First of all, we must ask ourselves: What is crazy? Cuomo and Ronacher (1998) say that people are called mentally healthy when they like their behaviour and that people are considered mentally unhealthy if their behaviour is â€Å"unacceptable† or if they don’t like the way that the person acts. Both the common person and psychiatrists judge or diagnose mental illness this way. Macdonald (2003) says that most of the time with mental illness, there is no medical proof, no evidence that there is anything wrong with you. Macdonald has Psychosis and low-grade Schizophrenia. He says that when he was diagnosed with these diseases, he had CAT scans and blood tests, among many other tests, but in actually being diagnosed, all that doctors can do is ask a series of questions to the patient and make a guess based on the responses that they get. Basically, you are diagnosed by opinion and not by actual medicine. He sometimes wonders if there is no suck thing as crazy, mayb e some people are different than others, maybe some people see or hear things that other people do not hear, but what they see could possibly be real, just doctors and society refuse to believe that it is real so these disorders have been d...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Regulatory, Legislative, and Legal Impact on Healthcare Delivery Paper Essay

Regulatory, Legislative, and Legal Impact on Healthcare Delivery Paper - Essay Example The management of this health center has come under sharp criticism for being unaccountable for the amount of shipments that are delivered on a monthly basis. This management has for the last three years been late in furnishing the board with the amount of shipments delivered causing some excitement among workers in the center. There is little assessment of authorized sales and supplies given that there is little we can do about the management since it is taken as the regulatory body in the center. This has taken much intervention but the problem has still been persistent as there is little that can be done to reduce the inherent corruption cases detected with time (Barbara, 2005). There has been a snarl in replacing the current management since it has deep-rooted networks in the regulatory body and hence are seen as permanent members of the management of the health center. The problem was noted when there was a shortage in drugs and an increase in the number of cases that were repor ted via complains from the clients. This led to a follow up where we noted that the amount of drugs supplied was more than the amount of that was given to the pharmacists for issuing to those that required them more. We noted that some of the medication was taken from the main supplies and sent to private clinics where they were used to stock clinics owned mainly by the top management officials (Barbara, 2005). They made it even worse when they took some of our staff members to work for them during their leave. This got way beyond and we sort help from top officials in the country’s top regulatory body so as to salvage our health center and improve our service production to the people of the region. We had to look for better ways in which we will regain our credibility and our prestige as a leading health care center in the region. We have since been able to operate a quality surveillance

Friday, October 18, 2019

Does collectivism have a future Drawing on theoretical insights and Essay

Does collectivism have a future Drawing on theoretical insights and the evidence, critically evaluate the factors that determine its relevance for UK employee relations - Essay Example Moreover, while there has been progress in the study of managerial leadership behaviour in various countries of the globe (Den Hartog, House, & Hanges, 1999; Kuchinke, 1999; Maczynski & Koopman, 2000), world wide research in leadership styles of entrepreneurs is minimal (Ardichvili, Cardozo, & Gasparishvili, 1998). Lastly, while there have been several studies that have been undertaken on psychological and behavioural distinctions between entrepreneurs and managers within a Western setting (i.e. the UK) (e.g., Brockhaus, 1982; Brockhaus & Nord, 1979; March & Sharipo, 1987), there is a dearth of literature on the comparison of leadership styles of Western and non-western entrepreneurs and managers. While there is a wealth of literature discussing leadership styles across countries, there is a dearth of research specifically tackling the topic of entrepreneurial leadership. The fact that legislation is a catalyst for economic growth and development is well known. Differing economic, cultural and political circumstances abroad also suggest the need for a better understanding of employees with a broad context is important. Fortunately, the ability to study the implications of policies on economic growth abroad is expanding rapidly as a result of the emergence of global private equity markets and micro finance. International entrepreneur ship spans cultural boundaries and involves a variety of stakeholders, including the entrepreneur, investors and policy makers (Asel, 2003). â€Å"Social considerations must be given the same status as economic, financial and environmental concerns in a holistic approach. It is time for global thinking and local action. The implementation of the Core Labour Standards and the laws and regulations that give effect to them at national levels can be significantly enhanced if the capacities of national labour inspectorates ar e built up and strengthened. Labour inspectors have a crucial role to

Factors Affecting Decisions Involved In Menu Planning Assignment - 3

Factors Affecting Decisions Involved In Menu Planning - Assignment Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that menu card if effectively designed and is conveying all relevant information provided by it, can be used as both sales and marketing tools. Menu card also is the source for generating sales transactions and as stated above if it is conveying all relevant information, it can also lead to increase in the number of customers. Hence, automatically increasing sales volume. How the menu looks, reflects as to what the company’s mission and objective. So the menu should be designed in such a manner that it is in accordance with theme and values of the company. Core objective and image of the company should be in line with market dynamics. Factors which can affect customers can vary from market to market. These can be how readable content on menu card is, overall physical scheme, outline, and font styles. As for other factors in communication, it is the presentation that is more important rather than what content has be en presented in the menu card. Example of this can be fast food restaurants where they have limited items presented in the menu. However, they sell in bulk quantities. The concept of common counters is present in fast food chains. Hence separate menus aren’t required for each customer. Class of customer coming too fast food chains doesn’t require descriptions of each product as they are familiar with products being offered. If a description is present in the menu it would only serve to slow down the decision-making process. In these common menus on common sales points, only product name, price, and other add ups are being shown along with the enlarged picture of a product being sold. For avoiding reputational risk, fast food chains need to keep the original product as being shown on sales point. This overall strategy which has been implemented across fast food chains leads to quick service and limited products available at the same price at all units of a fast food cha in.Alternatively, when we move towards restaurants which present sophisticated theme, class, and group of customers being catered change and with its overall theme of menu changes. The number of food items being presented on the menu also increases.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Gun Control and Its Effects on Crime Rates Research Paper

Gun Control and Its Effects on Crime Rates - Research Paper Example Keeping this in view, many countries across the world banned the acquisition of harmful weapons on civilians. Logically speaking, if B accompanies A most of the time and one does not want B then one should be more likely to avoid A, too. Similarly, if crimes involve armed weapon and if someone wants to lower down the criminal activity, then the logical course of action should be to ban the possession of armed weapon. However, ironically, opposite is true. The phenomenon of gun control, which is the ban on supply or usage of guns by civilians, correlates highly with the increase of crime rates. This theory faces great opposition by pro-gun control schools of thought, which maintain that less weapons means less crime. This paper addresses this debate in a more enlightened space substantiating each point with relevant evidence. However, the paper holds and attempts to prove that gun control does, directly or indirectly, leads to increase in crime rates. Before diving into the actual debate, a glance at the background of the issue and historical anecdotes will clear the space for the discussion to build up in a more neutral, bias-free fashion. Gun control has been a popular topic of discussion and argument since a century. Nazis and Fascist were strong proponents of enforcing gun control to disable the civilians to counterattack. Therefore, people belong to anti-Hitler clan usually oppose the enforcement of fun control, saying that this is remains of the brutality of fascism (Wilson, 2007). On the other hand, US have a strong history of gun control, especially with respect to its Civil Rights Act and racial discrimination against African Americans. After the slavery abolished and Reconstruction was underway, slavery codes were replaced with Black Codes, which contained laws only for African Americans. These codes include gun control. Later on, when Black Codes were deconstitutionalized and racial

Do Nurses' Empathy affect the outcome of care Literature review - 1

Do Nurses' Empathy affect the outcome of care - Literature review Example Empathy in a clinical environment involves an ability to communicate, understand and check the truth of the patients and get the feedback (Bloom, 2014). The need of empathy is to ensure that nurses are emotionally taking care to patients. It is believed that the best way for the practising empathy by the nurse periodically is to make contact with the patient’s situation. Nurses through empathy are able to understand the need of patients and their physical concern. However, this may not always be possible by the nurse practitioners because of some difficulties such as lack of understanding or low operating levels and time constraints. The important part of the empathy for the nurse profession is the operating level, lack of empathic services and burnout (Boyle, 2011). During my clinical practise, I have seen that empathy plays a vital role in the nursing profession. Empathy is to be regarded as the skill to see and value the need patients, their feelings and perception. Clinically, empathy plays a crucial role in understanding the perception of patients. This is a way to provide treatment to patients to ensure corrective health care. It is revealed that through empathy a strong relation amid patient and nurse is created, which helps in providing proper medication and treatment. Empathy is the skill to become sensible, aware, understand and be sensitive towards the others attitudes, behaviour and feeling (Canale, Louis, Maio, Wang, Rossi, Hojat, & Gonnella, 2012). Empathy is an intellectual situation where in the same sets of emotions are shared with the individual. Furthermore, it is also stated that the level of empathy felt by people can vary and can be determined by various factors such as the individual behaviour of the people (Cole-King, & G ilbert, 2011). I have also observed that personal communications within the technological advancement, society and shared experience is an important factor, which disturbs the level of empathy within the society and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Gun Control and Its Effects on Crime Rates Research Paper

Gun Control and Its Effects on Crime Rates - Research Paper Example Keeping this in view, many countries across the world banned the acquisition of harmful weapons on civilians. Logically speaking, if B accompanies A most of the time and one does not want B then one should be more likely to avoid A, too. Similarly, if crimes involve armed weapon and if someone wants to lower down the criminal activity, then the logical course of action should be to ban the possession of armed weapon. However, ironically, opposite is true. The phenomenon of gun control, which is the ban on supply or usage of guns by civilians, correlates highly with the increase of crime rates. This theory faces great opposition by pro-gun control schools of thought, which maintain that less weapons means less crime. This paper addresses this debate in a more enlightened space substantiating each point with relevant evidence. However, the paper holds and attempts to prove that gun control does, directly or indirectly, leads to increase in crime rates. Before diving into the actual debate, a glance at the background of the issue and historical anecdotes will clear the space for the discussion to build up in a more neutral, bias-free fashion. Gun control has been a popular topic of discussion and argument since a century. Nazis and Fascist were strong proponents of enforcing gun control to disable the civilians to counterattack. Therefore, people belong to anti-Hitler clan usually oppose the enforcement of fun control, saying that this is remains of the brutality of fascism (Wilson, 2007). On the other hand, US have a strong history of gun control, especially with respect to its Civil Rights Act and racial discrimination against African Americans. After the slavery abolished and Reconstruction was underway, slavery codes were replaced with Black Codes, which contained laws only for African Americans. These codes include gun control. Later on, when Black Codes were deconstitutionalized and racial

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Women's Sufferage Movement (NAWSA and AWSA) Term Paper

Women's Sufferage Movement (NAWSA and AWSA) - Term Paper Example In the earliest days of these movements, the major driving force was always the need to enable women to vote in the elections. The National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) and the American Women Suffrage Association (AWSA) have indeed played a great role in trying to bridge the gap that always existed and making the lives of women better throughout the country1. However, the core of the argument in this respect concerns the success of these women movements in their activities. This argument arises out of the general feeling that the activities of these movements have not always addressed the fundamental discrimination that faces women in the country. The major focus of these women’s organizations in the early days of formation was basically to secure the right to vote. However, in the present case, these movements are always in a constant search for equity between men and women in all spheres of life. It has indeed been realized that the activities of NAWSA in the suffrage movement was always absorbed in dealing with the challenges faced by minority women in the marginalized areas of America. In this regard, it was therefore much difficult for these organizations to realize their ultimate objectives. In any case, it was always imperative that the organizations address the challenges faced by the minority women in America. ... In the same manner, it was further realized that there was a lot of infighting between the women movements mostly emanating from the need to gain recognition across the country. Without doubt, the infighting was certainly a ground that never favored the activities of these organizations. It must be admitted that woman’s suffrage movements actually became a vital force in the fight against the discrimination of women in the country. However, much success for the organizations would be realized in the event of a united force seeking to address the fundamental issues affecting the women. For instance, in 1914, Paul and Burns broke from the NAWSA when they formed the Congressional Union which later changed its name to the National Woman’s Party. As a result of this divide, it was realized that the activities of the organization actually diminished as much focus was now geared toward leadership jostles and other aspects of the organization instead of the major focus of seeki ng to address the injustices that were directed towards women in the country. The success of these women suffrage movements has therefore been much limited compared to their potential to address the needs of women in the country. Despite the common feeling that NAWSA and AWSA have not really performed to their full potential, it must be realized that on the overall scorecard, it can be stated that the women’s movements have indeed played a great role in the creating a sense of equity between the lives of women and men in entirely all phases of life in the United States. Much success for these organizations has been realized to the extent that the United States is presently ahead in terms of gender equity for most of its

Nutritional adventurism Essay Example for Free

Nutritional adventurism Essay This article is about the effect of the show ‘MasterChef’ on the nutritional adventurism and culinary knowledge of children. The show is a reality game show about cooking, hosted by two chefs. The article explains how the show had appealed to young audiences. ‘MasterChef’, claims the article, has caused an increase in television ratings for the channel from which it is shown. The show has also given children extra culinary knowledge. Now, children are more interested and more critical about what they eat. They also judge their own food and the food prepared by their parents or other people. The show sparked numerous cooking lessons and workshops. Numerous recipes featured on the show have also been downloaded over the internet. Personal Opinion: I always believe that teaching children how to cook will help them in the future. Culinary skills learned early will definitely result to future households where food is a primary concern. MasterChef, and its effects on young audiences illustrates the possibility of making young audiences interested not only in the cooking show but more importantly in the food that they eat. Summary 2: This article is about the Community Gardens program which has three goals; to bring the community and the government together to address nutritional problems, to promote horticultural knowledge and initiate an exchange of indigenous horticultural knowledge, and to create an indigenous garden industry which will give communities livelihood and address their health needs. According to the article, collaboration in the community in horticulture gives the community a sense of food security because gardens are just as important as water systems. The article also illustrates how the program has succeeded in bringing together communities and encouraging innovative ways of horticulture. The fringe benefit of all these is the availability of healthy produce for the communities in which the program was implemented. Personal Opinion: I have confidence in the health benefits of organic and fresh food. The essence of community gardening comes to me not only as a means of providing the opportunity for communities to eat healthy but also the opportunity for communities to value the fruits of community effort. The Community Gardens Program is one such program that fosters fellowship and concern among community members while making healthy food available at the same time. Summary 3: Wangkatjungka is the main focus of this article where the establishment of home vegetable patches was apparently spurred by childrens’ school projects. Many vegetable patches mushroomed all over town because of this and each household began to eat what they produced. This was a very welcome change for the people of Wangkatjungka, second to the community ban on alcohol. According to the article, the establishment of household vegetable patches has made organic and healthier food available for the children and the adults. The article claims that this trend in backyard gardening has contributed so much to the community in that it has vowed to support and continue the project until each household in the community has their own vegetable patch. Personal Opinion: Having your own vegetable patch is such a good idea for me that I might even be starting my own. This article has given me enough new insights to consider the benefits of backyard grown produce and look into the possibility of having my own vegetable garden. I like fresh vegetables, and I like freshly picked organic fruits and vegetables even better. Summary 4: The relationship of diabetes and the eating habits of people is tackled in this article. In it a study by a certain Himsworth is mentioned that showed why third world countries had lesser incidence of diabetes and obesity compared to Western countries. The article attributes this to the kind of food that people eat in these countries; third world countries have more unprocessed carbohydrates and adequate animal protein in their diets than in Western countries. The article also outlines the value of healthy and basic or simpler eating in the control of diabetes and other metabolic disorders. It states that people who eat more plant or fruit based food are less likely to suffer metabolic disorders like diabetes and obesity. Personal Opinion: There are so many metabolic disorders that cause a myriad of health problems nowadays and it is comforting to know that the best weapon against these diseases is simply, basic and healthy eating. I am a believer in the idiom that ‘prevention is better than a cure’ as well as in the motto that ‘it would be better to spend money on healthy food than on medicine. † The insights offered in this article have encouraged me to eat healthier and begin my pursuit of a longer, healthier life. Summary 5: To sum up this entire article, one can simply say that it taunts at the way the judges in the show MasterChef make their judgments and throw snide comments at their contestants. The article purports that the decision of the MasterChef judges are influenced by the aesthetic or visual quality of the food presented and not by palatability of the food. The article implies that the show does not give justice to the way ordinary people cook, rather it insults the cooking skills of ordinary people by showing that cooking on television is not the same as real cooking, and that in the MasterChef kitchen, one doesn’t have to cook delicious food if one can be chefy with the presentation. Personal Opinion: I have seen the show, MasterChef myself and this article seems to have reason to claim that the judges in the show do not necessarily judge according to how ordinary people cook but have begun to become influenced by how one would expect food prepared by a professional chef. I believe that it is the show’s spontaneity and ‘reality’ that gives it its appeal and if the judges fail to remain in these ideals the show will ultimately fail.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The International Economic Slowdown Affect Cadbury Uk Marketing Essay

The International Economic Slowdown Affect Cadbury Uk Marketing Essay The history of Cadbury starts from a Grocers shop at Birmingham. In 1824 john Cadbury started this shop as a Quaker. His basic opposition to alcohol makes his focus to stimulation drinks like tea, coffee, cocoa and liquid chocolate. Later he moved to manufacturing chocolate and cocoa leaving his shop closed. In 1831 Cadbury got the royal warrant for supplying chocolate to Queen Victoria. On hunt of growth and quality which can be produced from a clean atmosphere, they moved to outskirts of Birmingham city and built the factory in a garden and named it as Bourneville, the brand released in 1879. In 1905 they lunched there iconic brand Dairy milk which still stand as leading brand and revenue generator for Cadbury. Early 1920s Cadbury starts overseas manufacturing in Tasmania. Cadbury focussed on the well being of work force. Late 70s Cadbury merged with Schweppes and added the tail name Cadbury Schweppes. Almost two century race of Cadbury bags more brands in candy and industry and th ey developed a firm brand name and emerged as a world leader in chocolate and candy market segment. On 2008 demerging process happened to separate the confectionary and drinks operations and they sold Schweppes to Dr Pepper group. The recent hostile atmosphere for acquisition of Cadbury leads to sale of Cadbury to US confectionary giant Kraft. Currently Cadbury and its all range of products are subsidiary of Kraft foods. Looking closer to the business operations of Cadbury, they operate in 60 countries in 45,000 employees supported by millions of customers. Cadbury owns different brands like Trident, Halls, heritage on their journey of acquisitions. The Methodology of the document is designed to answer the question for the report. The information collection is through internet sources and organisation websites. The recent Acquisition By Kraft foods makes some struggle to get the recent information. The unavailability of recent information and future strategies of Cadbury from Kraft foods leads to make a report based on information before acquisition on February 2010. Mission and vision of Cadbury The governing objective of Cadburys based on a statement To deliver superior shareowner returns. The higher end priority shows to capability, growth and efficiency. The focus of organisation process delivered to higher end global and regional brands. The investment in developing new brands and attaining owner ship of established products are on the vein. The relentless focus on cost and efficiency with the distinct interest to reconfiguring the distribution and manufacturing is shown up in their operations. The capability to give guarantee to investors and customers are highly projected in organisation objective. Cadbury strengthened them self to a pure-play confectionary business. Cadburys business operations are value oriented which focus on performance, quality, respect, integrity, responsibility. The basic business principles of Cadbury and their code of ethics conduct considerate on local and global legal and cultural standards. They are highly considerate about the demographic atmosphere of each country where they are operating on. Cadburys leadership imperative s is aggressive aiming competitive domination over competitors and they are highly passionate to be the best. Leadership imperatives focuses on growing their human resources, accountability, living their values , adaptability, forward thinking, motivating and collaborative atmosphere is established to put up the growth of business. The research and development of Cadbury focuses with innovation through customer insights, trends and foresights. The feedback from millions of customers is reviewed as a input for future innovations. They always realise the commonalties across different operating markets. In innovation they follow science centred operations. For example centre- filled gum makes sensation over 80 markets around world. The attitude of doubling the development with concentration on science and technology and concentrating on developing a smaller number of innovations that have big impact on paying-off in business world. The adaptation of brand new communication techniques in frontline Medias makes more interaction to consumers with their loved brands. The integration of putting all together in new formats, new recipe utilising new technology are followed in growth. The innovative communication campaigns are conducted to arrange sponsorship and marketing programs. Cadbury vision statement is Our vision is to be the biggest and the best confectionery company in the world Strategic position of Cadbury Cadbury is a world leader in confectionary among companies operating in peer market. Average international 10 % market share is maintaining in overall operation countries. The 200 year old heritage of Cadbury with outstanding brand portfolio supports the business. The clear strategy makes Cadbury a firm position in emerging and broadly spread markets. Cadbury committed on its vision who the biggest and best company be doing confectionary business. Overall global revenue hits  £5.4bn with an operating profit of  £638 m from overall 60 countries. Cadbury shows up average growth of 12 % in last 5 years and attain 11% market share in emerging markets. The overall growth percentage ranges on 7% in revenue, 11.9 % in operating margin and 6 % in dividend growth. On a strategic highlight business transforms into a category led pure play confectionary company. Cadbury manages the uncertainty in economic global outlook in a serious manner. The issue regarding the cocoa prices and the concentration of competitor challenges are forecasted well. The business model framed by Cadbury got a global footprint, with powerful and respected brands. The passionate and talented management makes a silence in history on ongoing economic downturns. Cadbury management shows the commitment on making further progress based on vision and mission for increased revenue and growth. The corporate responsibility and integral areas of Cadbury is managed with sustainable business practices. The commitments on sustainability are integrated in the vision ad converting them into action of operations. The corporate mantra of Cadbury fulfils the combined phrase fewer, faster, bigger, better which is applied to the customer service relationship operations. Leading edge programs like Cadbury World which makes customer a visit and feel of Cadbury production along with the Cadbury cocoa partners makes the organization responsible and consumption initiative. Cadbury investing in advantaged brands. Cadbury makes more operational profit from owned brands than from confectionary products. There portfolio products like Dairy milk, Trident, Halls, flake in addition to confectionary in markets like Green and Blacks, The natural confectionary ,crà ¨me eggs, Clorets and Bubbaloo. The competitive advantage of Cadbury across three confectionary categories of chocolates, gums and cand y makes them a globally strong organisation. The Cadbury operations are widely spread over to 60 countries and the business units are divided as Britain and Ireland North America South America Europe Pacific Asia Middle East and Africa. Cadbury got a major strength in Europe and American markets and they got significant strength in Asian and African markets as well. Cadburys position in emerging markets are represented though the diagram below. Fig1: Position in emerging Markets( Source : Euromonitor) Cadbury12% Mars-Wrigley Nestle Kraft Cadbury s PESTEL Porters five forces model puts up apower ful evaluation of competivie organisations forces for an organisation in Industry in general. It is delvelopes bu Michael porter in 1979. The five forces under sonsideration in this model is The existing competition in the industry The threat from potential new entrants The advantage/ threat on power of suppliers The advantage/ threat from power of customers. Threat of substitute products similar to own product PESTEL.jpg In this context cadburys PESTEL analysis is revieved here on the basis of UK home market. The political, economical , social, technological, environmental and legal issues regarding Cadbury plc in UK is mentioned below. Political The change of governing party form labour to conservatives in coalition with Liberal democrats may affect Cadbury in either positive or negative way. The high end restrictions on skilled workers entry from external Europe and imposing of taxes will affect future investment scenario and share holder dividend payments. From October 2010 the increase in VAT from 17.5 to 20 % affect the prices of Cadbury products as well. The purchasing interest of customers are de-motivated though this higher tax decisions. May the effect of tax increase make the government to revise the taxation in next financial quarter? Legal Legal actions can also make significant changes in Cadburys operation. The recent acquisition to Kraft foods makes big hassle with stake holders and a higher refusal from government sector. Cadbury, one of the prestigious chocolate brands is slipped from British Ownerships. The legal notices for employee working hours are another issue which delimits the working hours and extra performance of skilled employees. The legal actions to cut short factory hours may affect Cadbury in a adverse manner. Another legal issue is concerning with the healthcare of customers and peoples using chocolate products in common. The obesity problems and subsequent fewer are mostly reported to National health service ( NHS). Most heart problems caused due to usage of cocoa products are discussed in legal scenario as well. If there any legal regulation for usage of contents inchocalate is imposed , it may affect Cadbury in an inverse manner. Economic The international economic slowdown affect Cadbury UK business operation and international operations as well. The cost cutting nature of customers and limited expenditure budget affect Cadbury sales to down flow. The regulation in interest rates may affect the expansion projects of Cadbury. the short of disposable income in customers and stake holders make them stand back on purchasing more sweet product s or rather investing in Cadbury. The Acquisition of Cadbury to Kraft food makes a good value to share holders, mean while the dependency of organisation to economic circumstance may decide the future value of Cadbury shares. The national minimum wage will be also dependent to economic situation affecting Cadbury, if it is brought down, the operational cost may come down in employee payments , but it will affect inversely in sales figures. Social Issues The social trend to crisp industry and snacking is increasing. Based on the study from recent years, UK population mostly prone to snacks and crisps rather than chocolates , candy and gums. This drastic change affects Cadbury in sales figures. The introduction od Cadbury world makes a great experience to visitors and exploring the Cadbury manufacturing process. The lip to lip advertisement is mostly focussed on Cadbury world programme. Direct and indirect advantages will be earned to local community around the Cadbury world locality. The customer consciousness about health and contents used in products may affect sales figure. This may make Positive or negative impact on Cadbury business segment. The public releases and bans on ingredients used in Cadburys in addition to advice from dieticians are more threat to sales. Technological Issues The technological issues make more sense in development of Cadbury in research and development section. The implementation of new brew machines to blend coffee and cocoa gains vital importance in future growth of Cadbury. The cost of machinery, maintance of new machinery and implementation of new technology in production streams makes overhead expenses to Cadbury future plans. The takeover by Kraft food may intervene more technological advance in production line. The cost cutting measure and implementation of Lean system in production line with Kaizen model is planned to reduce the production cost. Cadburys Swot SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used by organisation to anlyse there strengths, weakness, threats and opputunities. SWOT analysis may be incorporated with strategic planning model of organisation. It makes a realisation of Strengths: Attribute supporting to attain the objectives of organisation Weakness: Points which are harmful to attain objectives of organisation Threats: External attributes which may affect to damage organisations existence and operations. Oppurtunities: : External trends and conditions which may help to make a better fortune of organisation swot_img2.gif Cadburys SWOT analysis shows its strategic planning positions in market Strengths Cadburys strong leadership position in confectionary business is the main strength of organisation. It has 9.2 % share in international confectionary market, which is driven by strong positions in regional markets. An International competitor Mars have only market share of 9% in confectionary goods. Cadbury have a slide number two position in market with leading 23 positions including chocolate and gum. The strong experience gained through 200 years of manufacturing and the brand name added with strong brands like Dairy milk, Bourneville and flake re great strength to Cadbury. Highly strengthen innovative teams are another strength of Cadbury. The unique analysis of customer requirements which is totally focussed on chocolate, candy and chewing gum makes domination in these segments. The successful growth of Cadbury through acquisition of great brands enables Cadbury to expand its market presence to wider commodities and regional markets. Weakness The higher level of dependency to confectionary goods and the diversified operations through acquired brands make the key point on Cadburys weakness. The international experience short in certain regions compared to other competitors like nestle makes a weakness. The lack of domination in business regions except Europe and America makes another area of weakness. The misunderstanding in emerging markets lead to wrong market strategies . the misconceptions made by other brands regarding Cadbury also affecting its sales and marketing operation in some regional markets. Opportunities The opportunities leading to expand Cadburys business operation make the key. The finding of market presence in new markets and increase of market share in emerging markets like, china, India, Brazil are key opportunities. These countries higher population can be utilised to increase the market share. The emerging markets are focusing on consumer wealth and the increasing demand of confectionary goods can be utilised. The scope of merger operations in emerging markets with the existing confectionery manufactures may deliver more advantage to Cadburys. Adequate evaluation of markets and targeted acquisitions may help to increase the market share of organisation. Another range of opportunity resides with the manufacturing cost and distribution. The increased efficiency may deliver effective product supply and manufacturing system. Cadburys effort to increase the cost efficiency is fuelled by technological support and implementation of advanced technology. The shift of production units to low cost economies is another scope which can reduce production cost. The shift of production to countries cultivating cocoa, chocolate and coffee may reduce logistics cost of Cadbury. Reduction of internal costs in supply chain management, procurement, and outsourcing to appropriate business partners make a wise opportunity to Cadbury. The opportunity reside in the innovation is another key which making of new products according to user demands. Products which are healthier and should deliver lower calories may hit the market. Sugar free products market is also too wide to operate and innovate. The lower fat, sugars free which are organic and natural product s in confectionery makes a strong demand in market. The takeover of Cadbury by Kraft foods lead to utilise more business techniques and market options in future for Cadbury products. Threats The increased demand of worldwide greenery maintenance and value to environment is a challenging factor for Cadbury and its manufacturing units. The new manufacturing standards in business regions may impose more input to production and there by investments led to reduced operational margin. The environment care in energy usage, transportation, sugar and coffee along with packaging materials make a challenging posture in financial figure and technology hiring. The shift to new systems may pull back exiting techniques and methods which should be replaced with new systems and machineries. The shift of supply chain to low cost economies make hassle sin existing manufacturing regions and even may face ban to Cadbury products. The threats from competitors and other regional brands makes Cadbury operations more competitive. Aggressive promotion events from competitors and price wars are highly affected for Cadbury products in certain emerging markets. Increased health consciousness in deve loping economies will affect Cadbury in health problems like obesity, diabetic fevers. The misconceptions and advertisement from health organisation may reduce the market demand of Cadbury products in these markets. Demand for more nutritious and healthier food may demand substitute products from Cadbury or it may be taken by some competitor in future. Here also threats are getting g along with Kraft foods. the bad will of any of the Kraft products may inversely affect Cadbury products as well . The acceptance level of Kraft in certain regions will affect eh marketing operations of Cadbury products. Risk Management of Cadbury Cadburys risk management process identifying risk is set by the management board. The day by day operations are monitored by compliance committee which is chaired by CEO and CLO. The operational and strategic risks are identifies through this operations. The audit team of organisation make an independent reassurance for standard risk assessment. Risk evolved in short term period is evaluated by this group, which is generated from small business units. The external risks which are from competition with global, regional and local players are sorted with competitive strategies based on price and profits. The consolidation inside industry makes a gain to competitors, so preferred supplier status is reviewed on product basis and superior industry. The risk associated with market volatility and economic conditions are also reviewed. This risk may effect through poor predictability and negative impact of profit generation. Appropriate hedging methods will be used to avoid these risks and fi nd ways to diligent about efficiency and costs. Internal risks, strategic risks and environment control is managed with care. IS/IT STRATEGY For an individual to complete his duties and also perform his job in a proper way he needs to be trained properly and also needs the skills and attributes required for that particular job. Training helps a lot in getting the skills right and also helps in learning more that that what is given in the books. It helps in honing some specific skills required. Cadbury is working very hard in imparting the required training and the knowledge required to the particular individual and also keeps him updated with the latest technology in order to win orders in the future and also to make competitive products. The training which is provided should be systematic in a way that it does not hamper the day to day operations of the organisation. The procedure might be divided in steps as follows Analysis of work place requirements Analysis of t training essential training type required for employees Usage of experienced employed in manufacturing line and their contribution in training Adequate framing and implementation of training process. Monitoring the training process to get into better production level. The solutions company which is providing the external consultancy to the company is also ensuring that the proper training programs are given to the company individuals and the staff so that they can act with high productivity and also with less failure. It is also checking that the communication level in the company is also at a highest level so that the information flow is not affected. The goal of the training and the education that was being provided ensures that the managers and also the top management are properly educated. . The on the job training provided to the workers and the staff the system has committed in the technology and the management in the field. This technology and the management of change that is provided by the solutions company has helped Cadbury in reaching the goals and objectives set by the organisation. Cadburys Business Strategy in change management Category Simplicity The focus on category simplicity and scale to help revenue growth is managed under the structure of managing each confectionary category on international basis. Cadbury focus on resources in generous markets on each confectionary product which innovative products are introduced first. The strategy is chosen on changing innovation methods from smaller advantage innovations to larger advantage innovations which can deliver a competitive advantage. For this kind of innovations increased resources are applied to attain the result. The focus on consumer preference and products which consumers more like will be put as drive advantage products. These products will increase trade volume on key markets. Rationalisation will be taken for smaller products with less than 5 % market share in individual markets. This rationalisation process were implemented in a preferred time plan. The growth of focus brands mainly will be accounted to 50 % confectionary revenue. The strongest potential brands like Dairy milk, Trident, Halls may five more focus in marketing level. The rest of the main brands crà ¨me egg, Hollywood, Dentyne, Clorets are promoted widely in Emerging markets. The focuses on markets are also considered per scale of growth. Major market share countries like US, UK, Mexico, Japan, Turkey and France will be accelerated with gum products and increase the market strength. Elaboration opportunities in remaining countries like South Africa and Australia are clustered around regional offices to lead markets into affinity markets. The re-launching of Wispa with wispa Gold along with old brand is planned. The production unit at Bourneville will manufacture this new product suffixing less market share products. New variants of Tridents gums are planned to release in upcoming year , innovation activities are almost finished for these products . Release formalities are on the vein. The opportunity through National confectionary .co to enter small variety foods will be utilised. These small variety goods will help to strengthen new categories of confectionary goods. The market domination in three confectionary categories is revived along with pull out strategy for low market share less profit brands. The market potential will be individually realised and put up new products which were not yet released to those markets. Customer partnership programs Customer partnership programs are planned to solve confectionary marketing issues. Through the seven leading business units and three trade channels Cadbury planned to make unique place in customer service to pull up market position. The top retailers are motivated for pumping market oriented products in subsidiary markets. These markets already got strong confectionary positions for Cadbury. Expanding the platforms to strengthen the partnership and enhancing acquisition operations are planned. The investigation process for finding new market positions and confectionary opportunities are developed. As a initial step integration process is going on with acquired companies in Turkey. Mean time integration of newly acquired organisations in regional markets will be linked to major business units. Cadburys efficiency is encapsulated to improve ambitious targets and thereby increase operating margins. The age market is another segment of innovation with customer partnerships, which range from teens to old peoples. New products for these range of customers will be introduced in coming future. Cost management and change The realisation of customer investment makes lot of changes in our strategic view on input costs. Customer investment s are managed in well manner to increases input costs and thereby improving the profit of the organisation. The cost reduction process is handling in all departments like supply and general administration. By combining the group operations with the home management of UK Cadburys , they expect a reduction of cost in upcoming years. The cluster programme to combine the individual operation of different countries linking to major business units are under vein. The enhancement of leveraging and capabilities in Europe is under reorganisation process. The centralised option for decision making will be adapted based on countries and elabororate brand management. The closure programs of manufacturing units as a part of cost reduction will undergo in coming years. The manufacturing units of acquired organisations are mostly come under this section. The aim of improving the operating margin performance is the key in upcoming markets like Nigeria, china and Russia. The focus on strengthening resources availability to Britain and Ireland is inevitably changed in coming years. New IT system implementation will be implemented by the end of 2010. Category led Business Focussing the operations on profitable opportunities than less profit events. The justification and effective usage of scrace resources are managed in well manner. Improving the working capital of business operation is another area of change. The product rationalisation programmed will be managed with committee to get it for appropriate diminishing products. Change can be basically defined as the simplified, organised and systematic application of knowledge, tools and resources that helps the organisations with key ideas and processes to achieve their basic business strategy. If the things that are going on in the company are made to go ahead then there will be no future developments in the company and the organisation after a certain stage will definitely fail. The management of change is not an easy process and needs to be properly supervised. Managing the change effectively will help in a proper control and also accelerate the change in a proper way and help in the future achievements. There are many studies that study the other aspect of the management and that are the human side of the subject. People do not accept change in a positive way and it is more seen when it is when related to the culture and the tradition of the people. In case of Nissan Motor Manufacturing (UK) Limited (NMUK) they should be evaluating the risks that should be covering the current situation in order that a successful change management process is amplified. Figure Change Management Model Identify the Change Prepare to Change Sponsor Target Change Agent Culture History Resistance Current Desired Implement the Change Monitor the Change Delta Plan the Change Communication As per the study of Cole (1997) it can be said that in any particular organisation at a given point of time there will be a number of factors that will act as a driving force and others will be acting as a restraining force. The force field model is as summarised as below These days there has been a clear showdown in the production and the improvement and also development in all areas of the manufacturing. It is more than evident in the field of automobiles where the recession has played a major role and also it has affected a lot in these circumstances. The use of the solutions given by the company has helped a lot in the reduction of the cost of production and has been able to generate some ample revenue for the company. The change in the organisation has to be kept in mind the different processes of change and also the different modern technology that will help in the success and growth of the company. The effectiveness and the efficiency of the system for which the company has been employed will help them in each and every situation and also help in the reducing of the mistakes and reduction of the defects of the company. It also helps them with the solutions and the full documentation of the provision of the access for the conservation and the stability of the information to include the best practices in the organisation. The system will help the customers access to the most important data that they require and that too in a very period of time which will help in the reduction of the costs and help in the reduction of the expensive change in the engineering processes. The most important steps which will help in the control of the change management process and also to implement it without undergoing any other failures which will hamper the progress of the successful implementation of the system are The managers and the in charge personnel of the department should be clarified in the idea of the change management and should be cleared in their minds about the change in the process that is being going on. The staff should be given the detailed explanation of why such a change is going on and also be told about the advantages of it. The development of the future plan will help in the implementation of the system without any disruption. The preparations for the implementation of the plan will help in the process with the presence of the experts and the specialists that were available for this. RECOMMENDATIONS Taking into consideration the above analysis it can be said that in order to bring about a proper change management in the organisation it is required that the leadership should be proper and there should be a proper systematic flow of information from one point to another. Also there should not be any negative leaders which hamper the progress and instead there should be positive leaders which will help in the positive growth of the organisation. There needs to be more focus and attention should be given on the minute detail that is in the overall change management process. The selection of leaders in such an organisation will play a vital role in the overall process which will ensure the implementation of the change management process. Knowledge management will play a major role in the exchange of knowledge from the staff to the other workers and this will be taken care by the Training solutions network and solutions provider. The support of the senior management and the training provided in such a case is also very important and will lead to a better understanding between the other team members. Above all cadburys should be focussing on the following points that are mentioned below to tackle future changes and also the overall change mana

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Investigation into how to measure the rate of a chemical reaction and :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation

Investigation into how to measure the rate of a chemical reaction and how to change the rate of a reaction. Investigation into how to measure the rate of a chemical reaction and how to change the rate of a reaction My task is to produce a piece of coursework investigating rates of reaction, and the effect different changes have on them. The rate of reaction is the rate of the loss of a reactant or the rate of formation of a product during a chemical reaction. There are five factors which affect the rate of reaction according to the collision theory of reacting particles: temperature, concentration (of solution), pressure (in gases), surface area (of solid reactants) and catalysts. I have chosen to investigate the effect of temperature and concentration on a reaction. This is because it is the most practical to investigate. I am investigating the chemical reaction of two substances. The substances being; Sodium thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid. As a word equation this is: NaSO + 2HCl ----------------> 2NaCl + HO + SO + S sodium + hydrochloric -------------> sodium + water + sulphur + sulphur thiosulphate acid chloride dioxide When these two solutions are mixed together, the mixture gradually goes cloudy, because sulphur is made. I am going to carry out the experiment of changing the temperature (whilst everything else remains constant). My starting temperature will be room temperature because it tends to be constant and it is more practical and will not need to be monitored. When the temperature is varied a water bath will be used to heat up the acid and thiosulphate to the necessary temperature. Prediction According to the kinetic theory all matter is made up of tiny, invisible particles that move all the time. When the temperature is increased around or on these particles, the faster they move. Heavier particles move more slowly than light ones at a given temperature. This theory defines the difference between solids, liquids and gases; in a gas the particles move freely and at random in all the space available. In solids, particles only vibrate around fixed positions and in liquids the particles have some freedom and can move around each other. Using the kinetic theory we can explain changes in state of substances as they are heated and cooled. The kinetic theory can most importantly be used to explain the factors affecting rate of reaction, this is called the Collision theory. The collision theory explains that chemical reactions occur when particles of the reactants collide. Molecules obey Newton's Laws of motion. They undergo elastic collisions with other molecules and the walls, but otherwise exert no forces on each other.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Oedipus: Fate Is Unavoidable :: Oedipus Rex, Sophocles

Oedipus: Fate is Unavoidable No matter what anyone tries, no matter what anyone does, no matter what anyone believes they have accomplished, they have not controlled fate. Fate is uncontrollable. Much like betting on a  ³sure thing ² and knowing in the back of your mind that there are infinite factors in the outcome--anything could happen. It ¹s unfortunate that the people of Ancient Greece sanctioned the concept of fate. In the Era of Enlightenment the idea of God-controlled fate was finally challenged with the notion of self-fulfilled destiny; until then, men turned to prophets and oracles. In the play Oedipus, by Sophocles, there was a ongoing synergy between fate and knowledge that was constantly rejected. Oedipus, the main character, struggled to dominate his own destiny, but ironically fell back into his bizarre misfortune that was in the end, inevitable. Misfortune, false realities, deception: all a result of Oedipus knowing too much and at the same time too little of his true lot in life. Knowledge was what nurtured him into false pretenses. Knowledge was a false pretense. By knowing that his parents were out of harms way, namely his, he knew that his prophecy would not come true. He knew that as long as his father was still alive and he was married to a woman not even related to his mother, he would not bear the offspring that  ³men would shudder to look upon. ² It was the epitome of irony for Oedipus to know his fate, and try to avoid it with the  ³knowledge ² that he had obtained: "My father was Polybus of Corinth, my mother the Dorian Merope, and I was held the foremost man in all that town until a thing happened- -a thing to startle a man, though not to make him angry as it made me. We were sitting at the table, and a man who had drunk too much cried out that I was not my father ¹s son--and I, though angry, restrained my anger for that day; but the next day went to my father and my mother and questioned them. They were indignant at the taunt and that comforted me--and yet the man ¹s words rankled...I sought where I might escape those infamous things--the doom that was laid upon me." When Oedipus fled from his parents, he started the chain reaction of ironic happenstance that would eventually direct him in a complete circle back

Effect of Social Opportunity and Anxiety on Academic Achievement Essay

Agarwal P 2005 – A study of the effect of social opportunity and Anxiety on Academic Achievement and level of aspiration of secondary class science students Ph. D. Ed. Garhwal University ( Unpublished ) Bhargava Sunita 1992 – Achievement Motivation and creativity in relation to locus of control of socio-culturally deprived and non deprived adolescents Ph. D. Ed. ( Agra university ) Biswal, Premananda 1992 – Vocationalisation of education at +2 in Himachal Pradesh – An evaluative study. Himachal Pradesh University Chaudhary, Kirti 1990 – A study of the vocational Aspirations of standard IX students of English medium schools in Pune city M.  Phil. Education. University of Pune Emmanual, Mani Alias, Gupta M. 1987 – A study of Relationship between locus of control, Anxiety, level of Aspiration, Academic Achievement of secondary students. D. Phil Ed. Allahabad University Gupta, S. K 1991 – A study of two impact of training in career awareness and career decision making skills upon occupational attitudes and guidance needs of secondary science students Ph. D. Ed. barkatullah vishav vidhyalaya. Gautam Vimlesh 1990 – An investigation into the educational and vocational interests of students at the delta stages and their implications for future curriculum Ph.  D. Ed. University of Lucknow. Gupta V. 1990 – A study of vocationalisation of education at +2 stage in the Union Territory of Delhi Ph. D. Ed. The Maharaja Sayajirao Hamingthanzula University of Baroda. Hamingthanzula 2001 – A study of vocational interest and occupational aspiration of class X students of district headquarter of Mizoram as related to Socio-economic status and academic achievement Ph. D Ed. Mizoram. Jasuja, S. K. – A study of frustration, level of aspiraton and academic achievement in relation to age, educational and sex difference among adolescent. Ph.  D. Psy. Agra University. Javed , Abdul kureshi 1990 – A critical study of the vocational interest of the students of arts, science and commerce studying at graduation level in senior colleges in the rural areas. M. Phil Ed. Nagpur University. Jayapoorani N 1982 – Vocational interests of higher secondary school students, M. Phil H. Sc Coimbatore Avinashilingam Institute for Higher Education for women. Joshi, L. N. 1992 – Vocational achievement and problems faced by students who had passed the +2 vocational education examination. Independent study Udaipur state council of ducational research and training. Kaur D 1990 – Educational and Vocational Aspirations of students belonging to different Socio-economic locales of Jammu division. Ph. D. Ed. University of Jammu. Kanwar L. N. 1989 – A study of socialization practices a home and school and development of personal achievement motivation among secondary school pupil in Assam Ph. D Ed. Dibrugarh University. Mathur A. 1985 – A comparative study of the adjustment problems, level of aspiration, self-concept and academic achievement of crippled children and normal children D. Phil. Ed. Allahabad University. Mohan, Swadesh and Gupta Nirmal 1991 – Vocational students career behaviour and their adjustment in courses at the +2 stage. Independent study NCERT. Mohanty G 1972 – Level of aspiration as a function of sex, socio-economic factors and class performance. Ph. D. Psy. Utkal University. Nautiyal Sunita 2001 – A study of impact of family background, occupational and socio-economic status on vocational interest of post graduate students of urban and rural areas. Unpublished Dissertation, Garhwal Universiy. Ojha H. 1973 – Relation of achievement motivation to parental behaviour and certain socio-economic variables. Ph. D. Ed. Bhagalpur University. Pennamma V. V. 1991 – Pattern of occupation choices of secondary school pupils and school leavers Ph. D. Ed. University of Kerala. Pareek, D. L. 1990 – A comparative study of the self concept, personality traits and aspiration of adoloscents studying in central schools, state government schools and private schools in Rajasthan. Ph. D. Ed. University of Rajasthan. Pattinsthsr P 1989 – Economic parameters and interest of vocational stream students Madurai Kamraj University. Rai G. 2004 – A study of the effect of parental encouragement on self concept, level of aspiration and academic performance of adoloscents of Uttrakhand state. Ph. D. Ed. Garhwal University (Unpublished) Robert 1988 – A study of Socio-economic status and vocational choices of the students M. Phil. Madurai Kamraj University. Saraswati Anil 1988 – A differential study of achievement motivation, occupational aspiration and academic achievement of adoloscents in different type of school climate in Aligarh district. Ph. D. Ed. Agra University. Saraswathi L. 1992 – Relationship between personality dimension and voacational interest of pupils of class X. M. Phil. Ed. Madurai Kamraj University. Singh, R. D. 983 – A study of deprivation achievement and level of aspiration in high school students of science group. Ph. D. Ed. Gorakhpur University. Singh Ibotombi H 1984 1991 – A study of vocational preferences of high creative and low creative high school tribal pupils in Kohima district of Nagaland. Ph. D. Ed. Eastern Hill University. Shenoy S. 1989 – Traditional and Non Traditional career choices – A psychological study M. Phil. Psy. Banglore University. Saxena S. 1981 – A study of need achievement in relation to creativity, values, level of aspiration and anxiety. Ph. D. Ed. Agra University.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Jet Blue

1. Is Jet Blue appropriately positioned to create and maintain a strategic competitive advantage? Yes they are. Jet blues customer service is tremendous. They had the one valentine day massacre but they bounced right back. As a company they know where they have to be in order to succeed in the future. They know about great customer service and low price. Gas prices are rising and with the expansion of the e190, I believe this flight will help their revenue increase in the future. 2. What future strategic direction would you recommend for JetBlue?Should they continue to support both the e190 and a320 or does one model look more promising than the other? I would recommend the path they are on now. Their customer service is excellent and have different types of airlines. Both airlines attract different customers our ability to adapt to new technologies and the soar of gas prices is one of the reasons they are one of the beasts in this airline industry. Numbers do not lie and they were p rofitable for 4 years in a row and I do not see them looking back. In order to keep a JetBlue a main force in the airline industry they are going to have to keep both around.There are customers who are used to the a320 and enjoy a more spacious seating compared to the e190. They should cut down on the long distance flights with gas prices high and will raise the price on some long distance flights. I do see the e190 as the main airline in seven to ten years. Their customers want to get from one location to another the fastest way and the e190 is the airline for that. 3. In light of the Feb. 2007 crisis how did JetBlue try to repair the damage to its reputation? Was the company successful? In Feb. 2007 the crisis that happened was due to lack of communication.They were not ready for this and took a hit in the media. They needed to bounce back hard and they did. They came out with jet blues bill of rights which was information-sharing, cancellations, departure delays, overbooking†™s, and onboard ground delays for arrivals and departures. This sent a message to their customers letting them know that yes they made a mistake and they are aware of it. It took them three months but after that the cleared everything up. Overall hiring the new Ceo and taking care of the crisis was a job well done.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Growth of Convention Centers across the Country Essay

Growth of Convention Centers across the Country - Essay Example In the United States of America, convention center is becoming a part and parcel of every day life. The recent mushrooming of convention centers in every nook and corner of the country itself is a proof of its fast development and necessity. In simple terms convention center is a large meeting place where formal business and professional meetings, conferences etc. are arranged. According to Atlantic City Convention Center, convention center is the "Facility designed to accommodate multiple group s or extremely large groups; exhibit halls; meeting rooms, ball rooms or banquet space; no sleeping rooms." (Glossary of Terms. Convention Center, 2007). The logic behind conducting business and other formal meetings in a convention center is that it is common place where people from different parts of the country/world can reach and assemble in a common place which is convenient to all. Originally convention centers were designed for formal business meeting, conferences. In contrast to this, modern convention centers are being used for a number of occasions including social events such as marriages, family get-together and as parking place for tourists. The spurt of tourism development the world over has made a great fillip for convention centers and they have grown in such a way that both are complementary to each other. Convention centers enable the development of tourism industry in a big way by attracting both domestic and international travelers. They have become a vital element in the tourism industry as some customers specify the name of convention centers where they would like to stay and enjoy their leisure time. It is a co mmon fact that MICE industry has no existence without convention center. The letter 'c' in the acronym stands for convention. That itself reflects that convention center enhances the scope of MICE industry and that they are complementary to each other. Another group of beneficiary of convention centers is corporate. Conducting meeting and conferences at convention center has become the order of the day among corporate people not only because of convenience but for prestige issue as well. Corporate have regular meeting, conferences and events like product launching and all these are being happened at some important convention center. Convention centers have emerged as a focal point in an intense competition among cities for a share of the economically important meetings and exhibition market. In a nut shell, convention centers have grown to become a crucial element of social, professional and corporate life. Their contributions to these various segments are priceless and remarkable. Evolution of Convention Centers in United States of America: The American communities have experienced a sudden growth of convention centers and it facilities over the last two decades. The country had 193 convention centers in the year 1986 offering minimum 25,000 square feet of exhibit space. The number rose to 254 and 322 by 1996 and 2006 consecutively. Their exhibition space also rose by 150 percent increase. The amount of investment put up by the state and local government in the year 1993 alone was $23.2 billion. (Sanders, 2007, p.2). The spurt in the development in the sector has made the giants like Chicago's McCormick and Las Vegas to enhance their exhibit space. The government has been financially supportive to pen new centers and

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Business Environment in Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business Environment in - Essay Example This paper focuses on external factors. Britain has increased regulations to the car industry. The automotive industry is being subjected to huge trade taxation. Political factors influence the strategic plans of Volvo Corporation because the government laws and regulations are strict on the production of environmental friendly cars. As a result of the environmental issues, the corporation has to adhere with the regulations that aim to lower the pollution. Non-compliance with the politically influenced changes attracts huge fines that are costly to the company. Politics has also cautioned the industry against manufacturing of many automated motors. Automation will take up the local jobs leading to unemployment (Henson 2009). There are always fluctuations in fuel price. The economic condition affects its performance as it has to reduce its rate of motor production. As a result of the high fuel prices, customers are now opting fuel efficient cars. The need for the fuel-efficient cars among Britons leads to low sales of the luxury cars that tend to consume more fuel. The constant population also reduces the number of people purchasing cars. The social factors that alter the business are affecting its profits immensely. Customer’s preference is shifting from large luxurious engine cars to small cars because of low carbon emission levels, increase in fuel prices, and above all, the state’s tax free and parking incentive for those who purchase eco-friendly cars. Consumer tastes are also affecting the operational cost planning of Volvo Motors Corporation. Customers are continually demanding safer and better quality cars at very low prices. The situation is forcing Volvo Corporation to get resources and ways of production such as outsourcing its parts from far away countries such as China (Henson 2009). Other motor production companies such as Toyota continue to occupy a large share in the market. The companies have adopted and implemented new and

Monday, October 7, 2019

Fundamental of Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Fundamental of Advertising - Essay Example Moreover, if the endorsing celebrity were to be experiencing scandals, then this could actually damage the corporate image of the advertiser. In addition, recommendation fatigue could ensue, if there were to be a high frequency use of the same celebrity (Huang, Hsieh, & Chen, 2011, p. 9971). It has been a long standing practice with marketers to improve the appeal of a brand by resorting to celebrity endorsement. Celebrities, unlike non – celebrities, can significantly improve the image of a product, and render an advertisement outstanding. In fact, a global celebrity can successfully traverse language barriers and promote a product in the international market. They serve to develop a para – social relationship, despite the absence of direct contact with consumers (Tantiseneepong, Gorton, & White, 2012, p. 57). A major advertising strategy is to resort to celebrity endorsers. In this advertising technique, a famous person recommends a product in an advertisement. It has been demonstrated by several studies that celebrity endorsers enhance recall rates with regard to marketing communications. Moreover, this strategy achieves a positive impact upon the attitude of consumers with regard to the brand (Boyland, Harrold, Kirkham, & Halford, 2012, p. 659). Consequently, there is an increase in the likelihood that these consumers would purchase the product. As such, these celebrities increase sales, due to an increase in attention towards advertisements, in which they participate. Furthermore, there is an extension of the celebrities’ credibility from their areas of fame to the product that they endorse (Boyland, Harrold, Kirkham, & Halford, 2012, p. 659). Moreover, sensationalism has made its way into marketing strategy, as consumers tend to identify to a greater degree with products that are endorsed by the so called regular guy. As a result, advertisers now believe that celebrity endorsement is very effective. The relationship between