Sunday, December 29, 2019

Apache Cassandr A Open Source Distributed Database...

Apache Cassandra Ashish Penti Computer Science Department University of North Carolina - Charlotte Charlotte, NC, U.S.A ABSTRACT Apache Cassandra is another open source distributed database management system developed to handle large data sets. It is a gift given to the big data users by Facebook in 2008. The purpose of this research is to highlight the importance of Cassandra in the world of NoSQL by discussing about some of the main questions like, what are the difficulties faced with the traditional relational database management systems, how these issues are solved by using NoSQL, how Cassandra came into existence, why it is used by some of the major organizations to handle their data sets, etc. In pursuit of finding reasons for†¦show more content†¦There are many NoSQL databases and each either have some common functionalities or have some unique functionalities when compared to the relational model. The main thing to be considered is that none of the NoSQL results work for all scenarios. Each works better than the relational models and satisfies some subsets of the use cases. Apache Cassandra is one of the NoSQL databases which is most widely used in the industrial market. This article gives a detailed information about Cassandra, its functionalities, its advantages and disadvantages which seem to be deceptive for someone who look at Cassandra for the first time. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Difficulties with traditional RDBMS In the initial stages of evolution of databases, relational databases systems was designed as a solution to the problems of flat file databases. A relational database stores data in multiple table. This technique helped to overcome the issues like data duplication, data noise and inconsistency which ensured that the data is entered and stored only once. Later as the data grew in size, it became a challenging task to handle such a significantly large amount of data. Key features like high data velocity, data variety, data volume and data complexity are few important reasons which the traditional database systems failed to handle successfully. As a result NoSQL came into

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Obesity is NOT a Disease Essay - 2361 Words

The leading cause of emphysema is due to the smoking of cigarettes, just as the leading cause of HIV/AIDS is due to unprotected sex. Obesity contributes to heart disease as well as several other diseases. Unprotected sex, smoking, and obesity are not the disease; they are the cause of disease. Many public forums such as the news, health professionals, educational articles, and pharmaceutical companies have referred to obesity as a disease. There is a growing debate in America about whether or not obesity is a disease and if it is appropriate to call it a disease. Obesity has not been officially classified as a disease but many feel it is necessary. Obesity should not be classified as a disease - it does not fit the fefinition. Obesity is†¦show more content†¦There are many unknowns about obesity which make it difficult to pinpoint such as, whether it is inherited, genetic, or completely self imposed. If obesity is classified as a disease, according to this definition, it is implied that individuals have no responsibility for being obese, it happens completely random. However, the obese hold full responsibility for their appearance and by no means is obesity accidental or random. Obesity is a self-imposed condition brought about by destruction. Otis Kramer and Nancy Sprague declare that obesity is the result of consuming excess calories and not engaging in enough physical activity (par. 7). Overweight people are aware of the gradual physical changes to their body before becoming obese. By no means does obesity happen accidentally, it can almost always be prevented. An increase in food intake will always require an increase in physical activity. It is irrational to claim that obesity happens randomly and individuals have no responsibility for being obese. Critics argue that genetic factors play a role in obesity. Within the American Heritage Dictionary’s definition of disease, it mentions that a disease is a genetic effect (Hawley, par. 5). Genetics is a complicated topic which is why it is even more complicated when it comes to the genetics of obesity. Researchers haven’t established how great of an impact genetics have onShow MoreRelatedChildhood Obesity Is Not Only A Problem1666 Words   |  7 PagesChildhood obesity is not only a problem, it is an epidemic that is occurring in the United States. ​This problem is often caused by children eating too much and not exercising enough. Childhood obesity became a problem between 1990 ­2000. It started with children s BMI increasing and weight gain. Obesity causes emotional and physical damage to the child. 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Finally, the study paradigmsRead MoreBiology Of Disease And Therapeutics1386 Words   |  6 Pages MSc Biomedical Science Edinburgh Napier University Biology of Disease and Therapeutics Coursework Part A 2015 QUESTION A - DATA HANDLING EXERCISE Below are data from a Phase 2, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials, testing the effectiveness of two doses of a new drug designed to lower glucose concentrations in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. In each trial, patients with Type 2 diabetes were randomised to receive one of two doses of drug or matchingRead MoreDual ACC1 / ACC2 Inhibition9209 Words   |  37 Pagesmoiety. Herein it was found that decreasing the bulk of the substituent at N-2 atom of the pyrazole ring (with respect to t-Bu group) similarly decreased ACC1/ACC2 inhibition. Increasing the bulkiness of this group (tert-pentyl) improved the IC50 values for both ACC1 and ACC2, but also resulted in an increase in HLM by a factor of 4, which outweighed the small inhibitory advantage. Introducing substitution at the N-1 atom did improve the Papp values, but resulted in too much loss of ACC inhibition

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Business Ethics for Liberal

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Ethics for Liberal Utilitarianismand Applied. Answer: It is seen from the video that Apple usually hires people with different ideas and the dream of being something big. It maintains a professional environment and likes to get employees with some uniqueness. However, the company should wish to hire people that are at the verge to start a career and has no idea of any uniqueness or a pace to reach in future. The company should try to give the beginners a new aim in life instead of just hiring people that have already some specific goals in life. It is evitable from the video that Apple maintains strong ethical values in their organization by keeping happiness of the employees as their main motives. They always maintain a good culture in which every employee of the organization is respected and given a chance to present something. This shows that Apple maintains a Utilitarianism ethical theory in which happiness is put in the central and happiness for the greatest number of people (Hayry 2013). This helps Apple to operate in a team in which everyone works for the happiness of each other. The company also offers the employees to work for something meaningful and different from other others. Apple focuses at pushing the envelope as much as possible in which they advice the employees to work and innovate as much as possible. According to them, there is no end to innovation and growth. On the other hand, the company also has the motive of thinking out of the box. According to them, there is nothing inside the box. Both the motive of Apple exhibits low ethical behavior of the company because due to this the company tries to hire candidates having some great ideas or has achieved something big in life. This lowers the chances of people that want to start from the scratch and wants to learn something new (Cianci et al. 2014). Ethical leader is the one that are assisted by ethics and value to take actions in the organization according to everyones interest. Some of the concepts related to ethical leader are honesty, fairness, consideration and others. Ethical leader takes care of his employees and work accordingly for the happiness of everyone. To ensure that the leader is working ethically it is necessary to ensure they treat their team members, customers and other with trust and dignity. In the given scenario, the organization has lack of ethics in their environment, as they do not work according to the interest of their employees. Moreover, the employees are not respected and treated well. They are made to work for longer hours and paid less wages. Thus to incorporate ethical leader in this scenario it is necessary that the leaders maintain a good relationship with the employees (Letwin et al. 2016). The leader should take actions for the benefits of the business by not compromising the happiness of the employees. The first step that the leader can practically used is increasing profit by employing new machines and equipments to increase productivity rather than forcing the employees to work for longer hours. Instead of cutting down the cost, the company should focus at employing modern machines at competitive cost and try to increase productivity to earn higher revenue (Bonner et al. 2016). This will allow the leader to use utilitarian approach of ethical behavior in which it should work for the happiness of everyone and ensure that happiness is reached to maximum number of people along with increasing profit for the organization. Behaving like an ethical leader had a lot of benefits both to the organization as well as to the employees. the common benefit of being an ethical leader are reduces the liability of the business, helps the employees to take decision according to the motive of the business, offer good quality customers service and reduces errors. In the given scenario, it is seen that an ethic leader can benefit the organization in many ways. For instance if the leader acts according to the interest of the employees such as not cutting their wage or paying extra wages for extra hours worked the employees will be motivated to work more and give their best (Shin et al. 2015). This will help the company to increase their productivity than before by same number of labors working for it number of hours. Increased production means increased revenue and profit. Further the leader can also employee modern machinery within the organization and expect an increase in its productivity and revenue. This shows tha t cutting down cost is not the only way to increase profit in the organization. Profits can also increase by being ethical and offering added benefits and motivation to employees to work hard. Thus shows an ethical leader working for the happiness of his employees will always benefit them as well as the company. This shows that being ethical will not have a positive effect on the employees and on the organization as well due to increased productivity and revenue (Sharif and Scandura 2014). Thus, ethical leader requires an alternative step that the organization took for increasing profit. References Bonner, J.M., Greenbaum, R.L. and Mayer, D.M., 2016. My boss is morally disengaged: The role of ethical leadership in explaining the interactive effect of supervisor and employee moral disengagement on employee behaviors.Journal of Business Ethics,137(4), pp.731-742. Cianci, A.M., Hannah, S.T., Roberts, R.P. and Tsakumis, G.T., 2014. The effects of authentic leadership on followers' ethical decision-making in the face of temptation: An experimental study.The Leadership Quarterly,25(3), pp.581-594. Hayry, M., 2013.Liberal utilitarianism and applied ethics. Routledge. Letwin, C., Wo, D., Folger, R., Rice, D., Taylor, R., Richard, B. and Taylor, S., 2016. The right and the good in ethical leadership: Implications for supervisors performance and promotability evaluations.Journal of Business Ethics,137(4), pp.743-755. Sharif, M.M. and Scandura, T.A., 2014. Do perceptions of ethical conduct matter during organizational change? Ethical leadership and employee involvement.Journal of Business Ethics,124(2), pp.185-196. Shin, Y., Sung, S.Y., Choi, J.N. and Kim, M.S., 2015. Top management ethical leadership and firm performance: Mediating role of ethical and procedural justice climate.Journal of Business Ethics,129(1), pp.43-57.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Based Lp in Poetry Essay Example For Students

Based Lp in Poetry Essay She will share the link http://knowing. Thinker. Org/writer/Thebes. Asp in the students faceable group for them to access the audio book. C. She will suggest exploring on the control buttons as they view and listen to the poem. D. She will encourage them to use/ apply what they learned from exploring the audio book to their reading activity. E. After the reading activity, she will ask the following questions:- What words enhance the aesthetic value of the poem? How do these words create the mood/ atmosphere and emphasize the theme? Why do you think the speaker is fascinated to the bell? What does it represent? Student Activities: a. To view the poem, the students will access the link shared by the teacher in their faceable group. B. They will explore the features of the audio book to modify the setting of the poem and conceptualize presentation techniques. C. They will apply the techniques learned in the actual presentation of their group reading activity. D. After the eating activ ity, the students are to answer orally the following questions:- What words enhance the aesthetic value of the poem? How do these words create the mood/ atmosphere and emphasize the theme? Why do you think the speaker is fascinated to the bell? What does it represent? 5. Designing/ students collaborate in analyzing the language structure of the poem. They will link graphics and media clips into their flowcharts to aid interpretation of words that suggest sound devices. The use of activities software and electronic whiteboard enables touch-screen application which helps in attaining/maintaining the focus of he students while showcasing presentations. Teacher Activities: f. The teacher will assign the following tasks:-Group 1- identifying occasions that can be associated to the different sounds of bell -Group 2- creating a Pictorial of rhyming words -Group 3- picking out alliteration and presenting lines of song with the same structure Group 4- picking out consonance and assonance and presenting slogans with the same structure g. She will discuss briefly the criteria in evaluating their output. H. She will prompt them to start by opening activities from their desktop. Student Activities: a. Students will listen for the teachers instruction. B. On teachers cue, they will open the activities from their desktop and start working on the following group tasks:Group 1- identifying occasions that can be associated to the different sounds of bullfrogs 2- creating a Pictorial of rhyming words Group 3- picking out alliteration and presenting lines of song with the same structure Group 4- picking out assonance or consonance and presenting slogans with the same structure. C. They will have 10 minute preparation and 10 minute presentation of their outputs. 6. Composing Digital Poem Overview: To be given as an assignment, he students will compose poems with sound devices. Their poems will be developed into a slideshows and will be uploaded in their faceable group for peer critiquing. Teacher Activities: a. The teacher will show an example off slideshows off poem. B. Then she will tell them to compose their own poem using sound devices and developing it into a slideshows. C. She will remind them, that at the end of the poem, they should include a brief note of dedication to someone the poem is addressed. D. Then, finally, she will tell them to share their output in their faceable group for peer critiquing.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

AP history Industrial revolution essays

AP history Industrial revolution essays As the United States recovered from the Civil War and problems with segregation were being resolved the United States went through a major revolution in the industrial sector. Between 1860 and 1900 the United States went from being one of the slowest countries in industrial growth to one of the largest industrial giants. The production of coal grew 2000 percent and the production of steel grew 5000 percent. The leadership of the country, the immigration of people, the increase in miles of railroad, and the augment of populace in the urban areas promoted the industrial development and caused the United States to rumble with industrial expansion. The Republican Party controlled the presidency for six strait terms and well as eight of the ten terms between 1860 and 1900 (Doc. 4). The Republican Party believed in adjusting the tariff, tax on imports, to support the internal industries so that the citizens of the Untied States would prefer to purchase the products of the internal industries Doc. 3). The Republicans also supported improvements to the rivers and harbors. These features allowed the industrialism to swell by promoting their goals. The Republicans support of the industrial revolution and the projects that they allowed the companies to help with began a boom that couldnt be stopped. The growth in immigration aided the industrial revolution in a magnificent way as well. The immigrants were willing to do the manual labor on the railroads so that the native citizens could work the industrial, higher paying jobs in the urban areas. Document 4 shows the large increase in the Immigration to the United States, and Document 2 shows the miles of railroad track that was added each decade, this very similar growth pattern shows that the immigrants played a large part in the ability for the Republican party to reach its goal of having a railroad to the Pacific Ocean. The increase of railroad enabled the Un...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Popular Science Magazine †Bussiness Research Paper (100 Level Course)

Popular Science Magazine – Bussiness Research Paper (100 Level Course) Free Online Research Papers Popular Science Magazine Bussiness Research Paper(100 Level Course) Popular Science is published by Time4 Media, the worlds leading publisher of leisure-time magazines. Founded in 1872, PopSci is the worlds largest science and technology magazine with a circulation of 1.45 million subscribers and a readership of more than seven million people. It is published in New York Citys Columbus Circle. Time4 Media is a for profit publisher, which is a part of Time Warner Inc, a leading global media and entertainment company with best-in-class businesses in filmed entertainment, interactive services, television networks, cable systems and publishing. The scope of this magazine is very broad it covers all the major stories happening in the world of science and technology .Basically the purpose of the magazine is to entertain their audiences who have a taste for science .This a very popular magazine which can be found at newsstands but normally people subscribe to this magazine by mail or by internet. The authors of this magazine are researchers and journalist. They survey experts- academics, scientists, engineers, government officials, think-tank intelligentsia for there articles in the magazines. The level of language used is very formal and simple, but there are some articles in the magazine in which some professional language is also used .Overall this magazine has very simple contents which are very easy to understand. The magazine is not related to a specific theme the articles and news are totally chosen randomly .The periodical is mix of all kinds of research, ideas, applications and advertisement. The past three issues are concern with the bio engineering technology although the magazine does not has a specific theme by browsing the past three issue, one can find out that there are many articles related to the research of nano technology in medical field. For example: Innovations in battlefield medicine are ensuring that more combatants survive. Often, the technology follows them home. Nine mobile medical breakthroughs set to make cheating death as easy as 911 A major foreign breakthrough highlights the limits placed on U.S. stem-cell researchers An engineer will subscribe to this magazine to stay in touch with the inventions that are happening in the world and as engineer it’s in the nature to read science magazine which also have a little bit sci –fiction in it. The journal is published once a month and 24 issues cost about 31.88 dollars.1.328 dollars per issue. Research Papers on Popular Science Magazine - Bussiness Research Paper (100 Level Course)Analysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andGenetic EngineeringEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaTwilight of the UAWOpen Architechture a white paperBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfPETSTEL analysis of India

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Middle east Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Middle east - Research Paper Example First of all, the crude form of IS (say, the Islamic State) was established in the year 1999, known as Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad. This group was formed in Jordan, under the leadership of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Axel Hunsicker stated that, â€Å"Zarqavi and his group helped finance, recruit, transport, and train Sunni Islamic extremists for the Iraqi resistance† (420). Besides, this organization played an important role in creating internal problems in the Middle Eastern context during the time of insurgency in Iraq. One can see that the presence of foreign fighters in this group proves its effectiveness, beyond its decentralized leadership. In the year 2004, this group decided to extend its influence by affiliating itself to international terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda. For instance, the group’s name underwent transformation as Taná ºâ€œim QaÊ »idat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn. One can see that the insurgency in Iraq was not over during 2000s. So, the primary aim of this group was to take an active role in the internal politics of Iraq by taking arms against the coalition forces. Again in the year 2006, this group changed its name into Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). To be specific, this transformation is important because the Mujahedeen leadership decided to co-ordinate different insurgent groups under a single leadership. Besides, the core leadership was in decentralized form to overcome unexpected deaths of important leaders.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Write an essay argue for or against move toward globalization, use Research Paper

Write an essay argue for or against move toward globalization, use specific details to support your point - Research Paper Example There are many definitions of globalization. According to Ervin and Smith, "Globalization refers to real changes that are important to human society" (2). The changes however affect people differently. Yu defines globalization as "A process of integrating human life, taking place as a global and holistic tendency that reaches beyond regional and national boundaries" (65). This definition describes globalization as an intentional procedure or course of action and predisposition of present-day human progression and advancement past national frontier. Though there are many problems or disadvantages associated with globalization, in my opinion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Since globalization involves human development past national frontiers, many nations are exposed to the global market. There is no nation in the world that has developed in terms of financial or monetary capabilities and socially while being cut-off from other countries. Subsequently, globalization leads to elevated levels of Human Development Index (HDI). HDI is considered a calculator of the financial wellbeing of a nation or people. It is important to posit that HDI considers the major facets of development including awareness, prolonged existence of the population, and also the health of the population, and it compares development between nations. Siddiqui asserts that "The HDI is a simple average of the life expectancy index, education index, and GDP index" (179). The gross domestic product (GDP) of many countries in the world has significantl y increased over the recent past, and this has been as a result of globalization. Globally, the GDP level increased form USD 17 trillion to USD 107 trillion between 1950 and the end of the twentieth century. The highest rate of growth in terms of GDP was witnessed in countries with high HDI especially China and India (Lockwood, Vorboys and Kothari n.p). Peoples

Monday, November 18, 2019

Wright, Nies, and Me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Wright, Nies, and Me - Essay Example For example, in the war over South Ossetia that occurred in 2008, there was an apparent demonstration of the existing security patrol, monitoring, and peacekeeping efforts in order to stabilize the Georgian-Abkhaz and other areas. Moreover, the conflicts were only aimed to achieve political goals without the concerns of meeting the needs of the affected communities. Even though there is adequate improvement of the physical security, the local people, including myself continue to face various challenges in the daily hustle. As a kid from Caucasians race, I would like to explain the challenges I’ve encountered in my livelihood. This is in comparisons to the life of â€Å"Black Boy† as narrated by Richard Wright, and Judies Nies’ story called â€Å"The Girl I left Behind.† The comparison of my life to the two struggle stories aim at demonstrating the phenomenon encountered by numerous people around the world due to race, ethnic, gender, and religious discrimi nation. The purpose of this write-up is also to establish the grounds under which the challenges faced by people in racial, ethnic, or gender disparities can be solved in order to have a cohesive relationship among the societies with diversities. The â€Å"Black Boy† is Richard Wright’s memoir that reflected his childhood and the adulthood sufferings and struggles to brighten his future. The ‘Black Boy’ faced several challenges, especially after his father deserted their family, forcing him to look for opportunities in order to save his starving family. The exposure into the society made him encounter various challenges such as racial discrimination in employments, but heads to North, where he found the atmosphere to have less discrimination context than the South. The boy involved himself in any immoral acts like stealing and lying, as a survival tactic in their poverty status. He faced brutal violence and extreme racism, although they could not prevent h im from his reading passion. In the North, he formed many concrete ideas in relating to American races that motivated him to hold many jobs to do such as floor cleaning during the day, and reading medical and Proust journals at night. His family continued to encounter poverty, his mother was crippled by a stroke, and the relatives continue annoying him due to his atheistic reading. Luckily, ‘Black Boy’ found a job in the post office, where he found links to a magazine called Left Front, which was advocating for social change and arts. This is where he continued with the revolutionary activities and joined the Communist Party, then left due to idealistic differences of fighting for equality, tolerance, and unity. On the other hand, the Judies Nies’ story called â€Å"The Girl I left Behind† is a narrative that explains about the transformation of feminist in the United States. She also discuss about the way social class and race affects the women in the soc ieties, especially during the period of imperialism such as the Vietnam War and other affairs facing the global society. She also took a lot of time seeking employment, probably because of her lower social class, which ended after getting an opportunity to work in an employment agency. The opportunity to work in an employment bureau might be because of her experience in job seeking, especially to find a meaningful work. This is because she possessed a master’s degree since professional women were only given an opportunity to teach or other secretarial work. She at one time worked for the first Senator who opposed the war in Vietnam. Therefore, she has encountered many challenges in life to earn a living. The regions dominated by Caucasians had

Friday, November 15, 2019

Type A Personality Implications with Stress Related Illness

Type A Personality Implications with Stress Related Illness VULNERABILITY OF TYPE A PERSONALITY  TO STRESS-RELATED ILLNESSES  DUE TO THEIR ERRATIC PERSONA Angelica Marie C. Jarabe Outline Type A personality is prone to stress-related illness because of their 3 major negative characteristics and attitudes towards work. Introduction â€Å"It’s not the stress that kills us; it our reaction to it.† – Hans Selye. Stress is inevitable part of our existence. The self-imposing reaction of our body and mental capacity to different situations, events, and even in our environment is also cause by our different dominant behaviour or so called â€Å"persona.† It is the one that affects our way of coping and perceiving stress. Stress sometimes consumes our inner ability to grasp the essence of living. We feel stress when we get bogged down by problems, deadlines, realistic desires, and uncontrollable events on our lives. They say that it is our choice on how we response to those circumstances. Sometimes we either take it as a negative or positive but the truth is it is natural mechanism of our body. According to a book entitled Introduction to Psychology (Aguire, 2008), â€Å"stress may be the difficult word to define†. It is because we have different way of responding in such circumstances when people experience stress. This response is based on person’s perception and evaluation of oneself to the nature of events. The differences of the way we respond to a situation are cause by our personality. Higher risk of illnesses can be linked with one of the type of personality which so called Type A personality. Type A personality is prone to stress-related illness because of their 3 major negative characteristics and attitudes towards work. Type A personality is prone to stress-related illness because of their 3 major negative characteristics and attitudes towards work. Discussion One of the factors that contribute to the development of chronic diseases and illness is being linked by our repetitive pattern of behaviour and our unique personality. Our personality defined as our pure and total makeup of ourselves which includes thoughts, habits, attitudes, weaknesses, strengths, and deepest fears. (Nevid, Rathus Greene, 2000, p.158) Sometimes we feel and considered that stress is brought by some changes in our environment. In fact, even we are the major contributor of stress. Based on what I found, psychologist stated that people carries a lot of destructive thoughts and unreasonable beliefs which afflicted our normal living. (Morris Maisto, 2006, p. 359) Some features of our unique makeup can have positive and negative effects to our health. A person being optimistic and appreciative can impose a positive effect to one’s health. They tend to see the good things even in worse situation. As a result, they are capable to strive and have a positive outlook in life. Others manifest challenging situation as a negative part of their success. Those personalities being engage to certain erratic persona are so called Type A personality increases the effects of major stress-related health problems. (Morris Maisto, 2006, p. 359) I found out that there are some findings that relate stress to certain illnesses like coronary heart disease, headaches, hypertension and even cancer. (Aguirre, 2008, p. ) Based on observation in 1950 carried out by the two cardiologists Friedman and Rosenman, who are trying to found out the relation of personality to heart disease, those patients who are short-tempered and easily irritated has a higher risk of developing heart disease. This brought to a theory which accompany as a certain type of behaviour – Type A behaviour pattern (TABP). (Saul McLeod, 2011). According to my gathered data, these are the following facet of Type A personality: Ambitious – Type A individual are driven to compete and has a critical evaluation of oneself in terms of achievement and success. They tend to complicate certain situations and being doubt by their irrational beliefs. Time-consciousness – They always set their priorities and task with a timeframe and deadlines. Most frequently, they easily irritated if they encountered certain delays and tight schedule situations. Because of that, they tend to be in a hurry and simultaneously do their work. Aggressive – This is the most dominant behaviour characterized by Type A personality. Due to certain negative perception of any situation they often feel frustrated and angry. This shows direct relation to the development of heart disease. (Adapted from Saul McLeod, 2011) These are the following criteria to test if a person possesses a trait of Type A personality: Usually feel guilty if they used their spare time to relax and do nothing for few days. Competitive in different ways and not being content within themselves. Do their work more than at a time. Move, eat and walk quickly Prefer to read concise concepts rather than the whole content of the book. Lose patience and irritated if they encountered delays, traffic, and unfortunate events. Tend to evaluate their achievement and success by quantities. Make different gestures like fingers drumming, teeth grinding and fist pounding. Things must be done in certain set of time. Over think of their problems even when they doing something or talking to someone. (As cited in Coon, 2006, p. 443) According to Rathus (2007), â€Å"Many health problems are affected by psychological factors, such as attitudes, emotions, and behaviour.† These are the following serious health problems that also being linked to Type A behaviour Pattern: Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) – As cited in Rathus (2007), â€Å"It is the leading cause of death in United States.† It is characterized as by the decreasing of supply of oxygen in the heart and result to hardening of arteries (arthrosclerosis). I found that the incidence of having this disease is also cause by our attitudes and emotions to certain situation in life. Severe stress and negative emotional response has a huge impact to our immune system. Based on a research conducted in people with Type A personality, found out that the dominant behaviour which is hostility contribute to the increase of blood pressure in the body, high cholesterol level and clogging of arteries which may be a serious threat to their health. (Rathus, 2007, p. 388) Headaches – According to one study I found, about 53% people are susceptible to migraine headaches showed a Type A behaviour pattern. This throbbing pain of head can be triggered by some psychological factors like anxiety, depression and exposed to extreme stressful conditions. (Rathus, 2007, p. 386) Cancer – Based on my researches, there is no direct evidence that stress can cause cancer. However, stress weakens our immune system and can cause various changes in the functioning of other system in the body. One study conducted to show the effects of emotional stress to the development of cancer cells. The condition of producing and spreading of cancer cells happen in the stage called â€Å"metastasis†. Based on the laboratory results conducted to mice and human which are subjected with cancer. When they are under influence of stress their system produce a hormone called norepinephrine. Thus, that hormone will boost the growth and spread of cancer cells in the body. (â€Å"Psychological†, 2002) Type A personality is prone to stress-related illness because of their 3 major negative characteristics and attitudes towards work.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Social Oppression Exposed in Mulk Raj Anand’s Untouchable :: Untouchable

Social Oppression Exposed in Mulk Raj Anand’s Untouchable Untouchable by Mulk Raj Anand offers more than just a day in the life of a member of India's lowest caste. Anand manages to "touch" the reader with Bakha's untouchability. As he struggles to internalize his place in society, Bakha displays to the reader his potential, and how his low-caste birth has affected his spirit. As the story progresses, the reader experiences with Bakha the reality of his place in society and his struggle with that realization. At one point in the novel, Bakha is sweeping the courtyard of a Hindu temple, and is overpowered by his curiosity to see what lies within. Bakha's inner struggle over peering into the temple and the repercussions of his acting out that desire parallel the divided nature of his will: A murderer might have advanced like that, one confident in his consummate mastery of the art of killing. But he soon lost his grace in the low stoop which the dead weight of years of habitual bending cast on him. †¦After he had mounted the first two steps, he stood completely demoralized with fear and retreated†¦(Anand 58) This quotation is one of several in which Anand portrays a noble side to Bakha. Bakha's movement is compared with that of "a murderer†¦ confident in his consummate mastery of the art†¦" While the word "murderer" carries negative connotations, Anand's choice of metaphor is powerful in that it carries with it all the strength of purpose and artful skill required of the professional assassin. Long years of degradation and menial work have taken their toll on Bakha. His return to a stooping posture displays more than physical deformity. The "dead weight of years" rests heavily on his spirit as well, demoralizing him into a retreat from the forbidden temple steps, and recalling to his demeanor the "humble, oppressed under-dog that he was by birth."(58) Bakha's self-doubt is reinforced when he finally summons the courage to climb the temple steps and explore the mysteries within.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Essay Draft

What is needed is essentially a gap, to show that aspects of r sectional thinking can coincide with faith. So the question must be asked; can faith and reason cookie SST? It is absolutely possible for rational thinking to be a part of faith, or more particularly religious s faith. The only point in which faith is irrational, is the initial leap Of faith one takes in order to make the decision. Besides this initial jump of blind faith, where one must fully trust a h Geiger power without complete understanding, every decision after this seemingly irrational I one, has the full capacity for rational thought.Often times thoughts, beliefs, and actions are often labeled as rational or irritate IANAL, but what defines something as rational? Rationality is defined as a pursuit of NAS were through the use of logical discourse and objective criteria. What comes out of this pursuit is w hat humans tend to think is rational. Generally speaking, rationality is what is â€Å"best on the tableâ₠¬ , it s purpose is to provide or attempt to provide, answers to questions based on factual evidence e and through the Kim 2 use of logical discourse and scientific advancements. With scientific advances, what is considered rational and irrational shifts as well.It is through new, changing eve dance that alters rationality. This is why rationality changes throughout the course of time, it is because new evidence is provided therefore changing the belief of what is considered ratio anal and what is considered to be irrational. Through the course of increased logical discourse and time, rationality and what one deems something as rational will continually evolve. Faith on the other hand, is belief that provides the best possible answers bas deed on scriptures and attempts to address the questions that science cannot. It's there e to provide the questions such as, â€Å"Why am I here? Or â€Å"What's my purpose on this earth? ‘. The is is the reason for why many accept religio n and faith into their lives. Many times humans De sire for purpose and reason for their lives. The theory of Existentialism and the brilliant minds of Albert Campus and Jean Paul State, articulate that humans possess an innate desire to create purpose in ones life. This wanting for purpose is satisfied through religion. Ultimately science awns errs the how, and faith answers the why it provides the purpose of everything in life, and the ever y essence of humans and their ultimate purpose.It is is evident that science deems that faith and reason are on the same page and essentially can be compared. However it is argued that the faith system and t he pursuit of rational answers to the universe are not on the same page. In fact, Francis Cool lines, director of the Human Genome Project states, â€Å"God gave us an opportunity through science to understand the natural world, but there will never be a scientific proof of God's existence† (Co Loins). It illuminates fact that scienc e is there not to contradict religion, but is there for the purpose of further understanding the world we live in.It's purpose is not to disprove relic ion, but instead to Kim 3 deepen our knowledge of the what we have already, the earth. It further sup rots the point that rational thinking and religion belong in two different domains and shows that the two are essentially two different scopes of looking at the world, from a spiritual stand point and both a rational standpoint. Furthermore Stephen Jay Gould, a famous evolutionary bi eulogist suggests of the existence of impoverishing magisterial (Gould). Gold's theory also know n as (NOAA) state that science and faith have separate teaching domains.This dissonance means that the findings and claims of both domain do not have to contradict each other. Pro egress in science does not have to disprove the teachings of religion. In the same way religion d goes not have to control every aspect of one's life. It demonstrates that besides t he initial leap of faith, what follows after has the potential to be rational as the existence of faith and ratio anally relate to two different domains. This is what it means to coexist separately. Therefore the p regress of rational thinking and science should not interfere with faith and vice versa.Essentially these two efferent domains are two different ways to come closer to, or attaining the Try HTH in their own respective fields. The assertion that faith does not cloud or bleed into the coo rise of logical thinking is made and emphasized quite heavily. In essence, the ideology that r elisions belief hinders one from rational thinking is disproved as it's heavily asserted that the e two belong in very different ballparks. Francis Collins, also indirectly refers to this theory of Gold's magisterial with the statement, â€Å"l was in a very reductionism frame of mind.The tats often what science imposes upon your thought process, and it's a good thing when you a ply it to the na tural world. But I sought to apply it to everything else. Obviously the spiritual world is another entity'. Collins admits that despite his numerous amount of years of science b 10th at Yale and the Human Genome Project, that the two domains of science and religion were is imply not meant to Kim 4 compliment or contradict each other. Ultimately, one can simply both be a sic intestine and a believer. Furthermore, it shows that both domains are indeed there and the d main of faith does not prevent progress through rational thinking.Therefore, when one claims t o believe, rational hinging is still present, because of the simple fact that the two belong in differ rent domains or region of thinking. There are of course the rare occasions when faith and reason do come together ere. This does not mean, however, that religion disproves rational thinking. Before the age o f Columbus, the rational way of thinking included the belief that the world was flat. A very pop alular and highly contro versial idea at the time, both rationality and religion produced the Sam e conclusion, that the world indeed was flat.This shows that despite the defined boundaries bet when reason and oath, that both can also hover on the same ideals. In the example of the world d being flat, both science and religion conformed to rational thinking that the world was flat (re member that rationality is what the best possible answer is based on the facts provided). D goes this not show that religion does not devalue rational thinking? It shows that religion does no t shun rational thinking, but rather is also another way of attaining the Truth.Thomas Aquinas s argues that faith and reason are just rather two methods but are related in that nature is sees initially God and the study of nature is to study God (Planting). Another instance where reason an d faith collide, is the theory of egocentricity. Rational thought at the time supported the hellion enteric theory based on the given evidence of past scholars. The institution who heavily supported this theory was none other than the Catholic Church. This can be seen as an act of irrational y that the Church did not base their decisions on the given evidences.However, this is not true as the works of supporters of the heliocentric theory remained hidden and censored, until we II after their own Kim 5 time. Once these works were discovered rationality would be altered as people now see that the Sun is the center and not the earth based on the provided evidence. It also go sees to show that rationality changes over time and ultimately takes time to change as evidence grows. Religion is seen as a concoction filled with emotion, and what better way to RI d oneself from rational thinking than to incorporate emotions?When one's emotions start to take control, one's thoughts and actions often become irrational. This being said, emotion and SE mentality often follow religion and faith, however even bigger than emotion, is action. Action s are a crucial part n almost every religion or philosophy. Without action nothing is achieved. As actions play a pivotal role in religion, emotions are irrelevant and can even be discouraged I n faith. Many times religion is institutionalized due to the supposed use of emotions and how h evilly religion relies on emotion. However this is not true at all.The basis Of religion is not s lowly based on emotions, but rather the actions and the strength or intimacy of faith that the individual carries. This goes to say however, that emotions aren't completely shunned by religion n, some are encouraged while others are discouraged completely. In Christianity the Ten Commandments that God provides humans with a set of guidelines that provided to the Israeli test the knowledge of certain actions and their moral values. It leaves out any aspect of emotion and are essentially just rules of what to do and what not to do.The word â€Å"do† immediately incisor orates actions and certain a cts but not emotions. Through an Eastern scope, the belief of actions and karma are a prime example. Furthermore religion goes about to shun certain emotions the at often bring about negative actions from humans through the verse â€Å"A fool gives full vent to his s rid, but a wise man quietly holds it back† (Proverbs 29:1 1). This popular verse depicts the rest train upon which Christianity places upon an individual. It shuns the expression of one's emotion NSA especially Kim 6 anger.Such restrictions on emotions are also present in Eastern philosophies and religions. In the religion of Hinduism, the discharge of emotions is evident. The fundamentals of Hinduism state that emotions hinder one from reaching the point of enlightenment. Further more emotions produce certain detrimental desires within an individual that prevents the par TTY from seeing the Truth; that emotions and personal desires are meaningless. Yes, religion does shun some emotions but not all emotions. Emot ions such a s happiness and euphoria are encouraged.But most if not all religions possess a unifying element of love and compassion (Jesus in Christianity, Shattered in Buddhism etc. ). Such a cone action begs to answer the question of whether or not such feelings incite irrational thin king, or if they re even emotions at all. Love is characterized by physical objects and actions. In a relic souse aspect the acts of Jesus Christ symbolize God's supposed love. If love is characterized by such acts, its more than safe to say that love is indeed an action and not an emotion. Love s shown through actions that symbolize the level of love that one possesses.But the deepest el veil of love is through sacrifice: and sacrifice is an action, therefore linking the overseen chaw in between love and actions. Through sacrifice one learns the value of love, and the greater the e sacrifice the greater strength Of love. However many believe that love is irrational, and that t is perfectly true, lov e itself is irrational, but the reasons why humans are rational according to social relationships s explained by Aristotle statement, â€Å"Man is by nature a social animal; an mind Vidal who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more the an human† (Rack).This quote shows that humans want if not need social interactions , such actions which include the essence of love. Therefore the need for love and further Soc ill interactions are justified as being rational. This justifies the rationality of why one chooses to Eve, or to embrace Kim 7 the concept of love. This unifying element of love also carries the implication t hat morally sound actions are heavily encouraged. The certain encouragement of morally sound behavior can be seen throughout all religions. The Buddhists describe this as dharma, and the Western belief perceives it as the Ten Commandments.The fact that such diverse religions c an come together on a single consensus that moral ly sound actions are essential to one's faith, provokes yet another question; the question of how such a phenomena can occur. Based o n the difference of the origins of these religions, it goes about to show that religions appeal to the e common interest Of people. This however, does not explain how or why certain extremists act the way the do. In such cases religion is seen as providing actions that resort to irrational action s.First off, remember that such extremists represent only a very small number of certain religious beliefs. Secondly, the actions of such extremists are fueled by their own interpretation NSA. Therefore, if the definition of rationality is defined as the product of the pursuit of knowledge, the interpretations of certain texts is one's own pursuit of knowledge. The late novelist and essays SST D. H. Lawrence States, â€Å"The human being is a most curious creature. † (Lawrence). The justifies Zion of such interpretations is essentially supported by thi s statement by Lawrence.The in trepidations of texts differ as different sects offer different answers to certain curiosities. Fur hormone, if an extremist no matter how extreme, is given the question of what is two plus two o, the answer will inevitably be four. Ultimately they would know and understand how and why two and two is four, even if they've never encountered the question before. They can prove t wrought the pursuit of logical thinking can they not? If they are capable of such actions it shows the at rational thinking is still present despite whatever faith they believe in. Essay Draft Actually one didn't even think at all. One was going by its instincts while the other was going by its knowledge. Now what's more more important knowledge of stuff, or being able to imagine the stuff. Let's say you're building a house. If you have knowledge you'll build a steady house, normal sized.With your imagination you could've imagined a mansion with a pool, home theater, etc. So what is more important. Essay: Very early in the story the narrator was talking about how cold it is, and how that's all that came to the mans head,† Oh,it's cold. † While the dog didn't know it was below freezing he could read a thermometer, he knew this was no time to be out, and he wondered why the man hasn't built a fire yet. The man kept walking and walking only thinking about how cold it is.In this case he dogs instincts win. Dog 1- Man O Next case scenario is when the man sends the dog to go up front and check if it's safe. The dog goes and falls on water, causing him to quickly lick his paws to get them heated so they wouldn't freeze and get numb. Now the dog didn't know what would happen if his feet got frozen, it was its instinct. The man also falls in water wetting his knees, he knew this would delay him an hour and that he had to build a fire.He got a fire starting but because he kept boning the tree to grab branches, the snow from atop the tree fell down on the fire. He got angry and tried to build another fire, but his feet and hands were badly frozen. There was nothing he could do. The dog's instincts win again. Dog 2-Man O Now there are many more scenarios and could keep going naming one by one then explaining but that will be boring. So IM going to shake things up a bit. The man has lots of knowledge as you know, but he doesn't have knowledge of the things surrounding him, as it's his first winter. Essay Draft Competitions are everywhere in our society. People compete against each other using deferent ways and effective behaviors. They stimulate people's creativities and Innovations. They help people promote their maximum potentials. Athletes practice and train hard to reach their goals. Companies cooperate and create Innovative products to change the world. Cakewalk does her best to learn and Improve with Dry. Larvae's help In order to win the national spelling bee competition while she feels incontinent competing against Dylan.However, competitions could bring up negative behaviors at the same time, depending what attitudes and behaviors people are holding In the competitions. Cheating Is s behavior when people try to win during a competition. Some people steal classical files and take advantage of others' secrets. In the movie of Cakewalk and the Bee, a competitors mother cheats in the competition, who tries to help her son go to the next round. In summary, competitions are two- sided s words. All kinds of behaviors show up in competitions.Cooperating, cheating ND practicing are behaviors that help them to succeed in the competitions. Cooperating is one of the significant behaviors in competitions. Under the pressure of competitions, competitors spontaneously learn from each other and unite as a larger group. For example, Nikkei and Apple are two top companies at their fields. As the society becomes more digitized, they cooperate and they share technologies. As a result, a pair of Nikkei shoes with high-tech chip can directly connect to Apple devices to record data. In the movie, Cakewalk is invited to Join a Spelling Bee Club at another school.She gets a chance to learn from her friends, who are also competitors. They share experiences and strategies and play interesting games. She improves her skills in the group. At the national spelling bee competition, Cakewalk misspells a word because she does not want to upset Dylan father. But Dylan does the same thing to h er. They compete fairly and they both get 25 champion words. Cooperation makes them succeed in sharing the champion. When people compete, they sometimes cooperate because it is the best way the maximize their advantages. Those people ho want to win so badly cheat.They try to take advantage of what they can get In the competition in inappropriate WAP to compete. For Instance, people use cellophane to find the answers or copy from others' paper while taking exams. Essay Draft 1 By Philanthropically different ways and effective behaviors. They stimulate people's creativities and innovations. They help people promote their maximum potentials. Athletes practice and train hard to reach their goals. Companies cooperate and create innovative products to change the world. Cakewalk does her best to learn and improve with Dry.Larvae's help in order to win the national spelling bee competition while she feels unconfined competing against Dylan. However, competitions could bring up negative hold ing in the competitions. Cheating is s behavior when people try to win during a In the movie of Cakewalk and the Bee, a competitor's mother cheats in the competition, Cooperating is one of the significant behaviors in competitions. Under the pressure who want to win so badly cheat. They try to take advantage of what they can get in the competition in inappropriate ways to compete. For instance, people use

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Symbolism In The Dog And The Scent Bottle

Symbolism in â€Å"The Dog and the Scent Bottle† Many poets often use one character to symbolize another person. These representations that may seem inconceivable at first are interpreted as symbolism, using one object to represent another. Symbolism is a way of representing someone or something without actually having to say it directly. It can be interpreted as either helpful or harmful depending on how the poet (or whoever is writing it) feels about their topic. If they approve of their subject, they will use something good to represent the subject. If they dislike the subject, they might be more inclined to use a bad symbol. In Charles Bandelaire’s â€Å"The Dog and the Scent Bottle†, Bandelaire’s symbol of the public is not a very fond one, but it conveys a true to life message. â€Å"The Dog and the Scent Bottle† is a symbol of the public in that they are uncultured, can not appreciate fine things, and are very stubborn and set in their ways about things. One way Bandelaire views the public is as an uncultured dog. He does this by using a dog to symbolize the public in general. The general idea you have when you think of a dog is an animal with no concern for getting dirty and tough to get it to listen (at first). Bandelaire gives the dog a few compliments and the dog goes on like he is being idolized which shows no modesty on the dog’s part. When Bandelaire first introduces the dog the perfume, the dog rejects it almost immediately and barks as if it’s life were threatened. This symbolizes the public’s dislike for anything new and that which they do not fully understand themselves. Bandelaire then talks of how if he had offered the dog excretement, the dog would have taken fondly to it and maybe even eaten it. This shows that Bandelaire views the public of having an uncultured taste and liking better the â€Å"simpler things† in life rather the exquisite perfume he offered the dog earlier. ... Free Essays on Symbolism In The Dog And The Scent Bottle Free Essays on Symbolism In The Dog And The Scent Bottle Symbolism in â€Å"The Dog and the Scent Bottle† Many poets often use one character to symbolize another person. These representations that may seem inconceivable at first are interpreted as symbolism, using one object to represent another. Symbolism is a way of representing someone or something without actually having to say it directly. It can be interpreted as either helpful or harmful depending on how the poet (or whoever is writing it) feels about their topic. If they approve of their subject, they will use something good to represent the subject. If they dislike the subject, they might be more inclined to use a bad symbol. In Charles Bandelaire’s â€Å"The Dog and the Scent Bottle†, Bandelaire’s symbol of the public is not a very fond one, but it conveys a true to life message. â€Å"The Dog and the Scent Bottle† is a symbol of the public in that they are uncultured, can not appreciate fine things, and are very stubborn and set in their ways about things. One way Bandelaire views the public is as an uncultured dog. He does this by using a dog to symbolize the public in general. The general idea you have when you think of a dog is an animal with no concern for getting dirty and tough to get it to listen (at first). Bandelaire gives the dog a few compliments and the dog goes on like he is being idolized which shows no modesty on the dog’s part. When Bandelaire first introduces the dog the perfume, the dog rejects it almost immediately and barks as if it’s life were threatened. This symbolizes the public’s dislike for anything new and that which they do not fully understand themselves. Bandelaire then talks of how if he had offered the dog excretement, the dog would have taken fondly to it and maybe even eaten it. This shows that Bandelaire views the public of having an uncultured taste and liking better the â€Å"simpler things† in life rather the exquisite perfume he offered the dog earlier. ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Best Way to Document Your Brand Voice Guidelines (Free Template)

The Best Way to Document Your Brand Voice Guidelines (Free Template) As a young journalism major learning about the publishing industry, I was in awe of the well-oiled machines that were large magazines, where I wanted to write one day. How in the world could they combine hundreds, or even thousands, of different writers and voices- some veteran, some new to the team, some freelancers or temporary interns- into this one voice that was cohesive and justfit? Was it that everyone they hired just thought and talked the same way? That seemed unrealistic. No, as I got further into my writing career, I realized that the well-oiled processes of the publishing industry ran deeper than I’d thought, and they usually had a documented system for representing the publication’s voice. I’m talking about the holy editorial guidelines. Editorial Guidelines: A Writer’s Holy Grail These publications would have a guide or manual to writing as part of the organization, and they’d be so clear and details that professional writers could hop into and out of the team knowing exactly how to adapt their writing voice. Well, aside from a few internships in college, I never actually made it into that industry. Instead, I found the world of content marketing and fell in love. But one thing I’ve noticed? Brand editorial guidelines are often sorely lacking compared to publishers’, when they exist at all. Sure, we have rules and guidelines for our content to tell guest bloggers or our CEO to follow when contributing content. We know our â€Å"brand personality† and can explain it easily. But does your brand have that comprehensive guide that can essentially onboard any new content creators for you?  Something documented that ensures cohesiveness whether you’re content’s being created by the marketing team, the product team, the C-suite, freelancers, or guests? If not, don’t feel guilty. You’re definitely not alone in this! So today’s post will lay out how you can define and document voice guidelines that are as clear as the rest of your branding and can be used for any kind of brand content. Define and document your brand voice guidelines with this detailed guide + free template:Why Bother Documenting Brand Voice Guidelines? Let’s clear the air first: why isn’t it enough to just explain the overall voice and brand personality to any new content creators? Documenting processes  in general is important to managing any team and lays out what’s required for effective project management Putting the rules in writing ensures consistency from writer to writer, as opposed to explaining it separately and/or differently to each contributor. Going through this process can identify areas of your branding you might not have thought about in relation to your content. Having a formal document helps streamline training and onboarding new team members or contributors. It offers a quick reference for any existing writers who want to double check something, which will make editing easier. Now let’s get to it. Download Your Free Brand and Editorial Voice Guidelines Template If youre going to document style standards for your brands voice, youll need a template to do it right. Right? Grab this freebie from and follow along as you read this post. By the time youre done, youll have a complete set of documented standards ready to go.The Best Way to Document Your Brand Voice Guidelines (Free Template)Step 1: Audit Your Existing Brand When you already have an established brand identity in place, documenting your brand voice is more about finding what your brand should sound like based on existing qualities, than it is creating something from scratch. Since you’re not creating a whole new voice or brand personality, your official voice should be an extension of the rest of your brand. So the first step in developing your guidelines is to take stock of your current brand vibes in order to find ways to vocalize it. Some questions you might want to ask include: What Are Our Brand’s Top Values? What is supposed to be at the core of everything your company does? If your company has defined core values, a mission statement, or any other type of formal statement, all roads should lead back to it. Theses values or purpose should be represented in all aspect of the brand, and how you talk to your audience is a huge part of that. For example, Skype’s brand guidelines, or â€Å"brandbook,† starts off with a few important parts of their mission and values statement: (Image Source: Skype Brandbook) Recommended Listening: How to Develop Editorial Values That Improve Customer Success With Gregory Ciotti From Help Scout"] What’s the Voice in Our Top Content? If you have a lot of existing content, but it wasn’t created with a specific, strategic voice, you can perform a content audit  to identify your best and worst performing content. Then, specifically look at and analyze the voice and tone of each piece. Do your top pieces have similarities in terms of writing style, personality, or direction? Do your worst? This will help you figure out what kind of voice your existing audience responds to, so you can make sure you’re moving in a direction that aligns with both your brand and your audience. How Do Our Customers Describe Us? Again, you need to make sure your voice aligns with what your audience and customers already like about you. Your voice guidelines should â€Å"make official† what’s already working well with your brand communication. So another great step in developing your guidelines is to go out and ask your customers how they would describe your brand’s personality. Are you elite? Approachable? Respectful? Subdued? Silly? Motivational? You can send a survey at the time you’re first developing guidelines, adapting this ongoing process from Joanna Wiebe at Copy Hackers: Poll your new customers. Send a follow-up â€Å"thanks for choosing us† email within days of a purchase, and ask your customer to indicate – quite simply – which adjective (of a short list of options) best describes how they feel about your brand.* Developing brand voice guidelines? Start by asking these questions.Step 2: Define Core Personality After you’ve looked at the strongest parts of your brand, you need to agree on, â€Å"well, what does that sound like?† aka tying things together into a theme. I like to look at it as coming up with a â€Å"spokespersona.† Just as you’d create an ideal profile or persona  for your customers or readers, create one for the embodiment of your brand. Or, if you have some kind of mascot or spokesperson, base this off of them. Decide your persona’s mood and personality, how they describe things, and how they see themselves. For example, are you: Conversational with a pension for fun tangents, or short-spoken? One to focus on facts and statistics or more interested in stories and people? Daring and adventurous, or cautious and risk-averse? Take what you collected in step 1 and lump it into three main bullet points or adjectives that describe your brand. (Image Source: Percolate) For example, Percolate defined their core personality  with adjectives like â€Å"thoughtful, interesting, proud, bold, and human.† Recommended Reading: Spark Your User Persona to Life With These 9 Important Tools Step 3: Drill Down to Tone Now it’s time for something that’s muddied up a lot: taking the overall themes and voice, and specifying tones to use in certain scenarios. It’s easy for brands to define one, but not the other, or confuse them for the same thing. But think about it personally: your voice is your voice, but you take different tones depending on: Who you’re talking to: your grandma vs. your best friend What you’re talking about: telling a story vs. giving instructions How you feel: confused vs. clear, energized vs. â€Å"hangry† In their guide to social media voice, Buffer offers this definition: â€Å"Essentially, there is one voice for your brand and many tones that refine that voice. Voice is a mission statement. Tone is the application of that mission.† An analogy I like is looking at voice as content, and tone as context. Voice defines what you might say, tone refines how you might say it. For your own brand, think about how you would write an email about a new launch or important milestone compared to a customer support email. Not the same, right? So once you’ve defined your brand’s overall voice, imagine how that would play out in different scenarios and contexts that will come up in your content.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Should both parents assume equal responsibility in raising children Essay

Should both parents assume equal responsibility in raising children - Essay Example Although this may be different to previous years, it seems that this direction is much fairer for women and gives men more interaction with their offspring. In this paper, I will be exploring the reasons behind this move towards equal parenting and whether it is right that both parents are assuming equal responsibilities for their children and how they are raised. I argue that it is fairer for women and better for children that parenting responsibles are equal. One of the main reasons why parents should assume equal responsibility in raising children is so that these children know their mother and father equally and have a good relationship with both parents, something which is important in lives. In previous years, it has been hard for children to get to know their father because he is always at work, earning money, whilst their relationship with their mother was usually good. Having a male and a female influence in the home is important for increasing harmony within the household and making the children feel as though they are loved by both parents and are valued. Another one of the main reasons that both parents should assume equal responsibilities for raising the children is that it is fairer for the women. In previous years, it has been that the woman has done all the housework and raised the kids alone, whilst the man of the home went to earn money. Although both parents worked hard, a lot of women came to feel that their talents were being wasted, particularly if they had a college education and they were fairly smart. From an outside perspective it does seem unfair that the man can have a career whilst the women is doing menial tasks and continually looking after the children. Another reason why this shared responsibility is fairer for the women is that it can be quite difficult for a women to balance all the childcare, a social life and a job, which means that she usually has to give one of

Friday, November 1, 2019

Finacial & legal aspecat of procurement Assignment

Finacial & legal aspecat of procurement - Assignment Example nstruction of structures, fixing of electronics and navigation devices, maintenance of auxiliary systems, technical support to engineers and other shipyard services depend on the available specialized labor. Structural developments take the biggest chunk of labor expense followed outfit and furnishings because they are done virtually on a daily basis. Another cost driver is the purchase of materials (Moelmann & Harris, pg30). Fixing of electrical appliances cost the company heavily due to the high cost of purchasing special devices such as adaptors, which are very critical in navigation and propulsion. Materials increase overhead costs due to the ever-changing prices of imported appliances and accessories. The accounting office can hardly obtain a definite estimate of the overhead costs to be incurred on product accessories and appliance in all accounting phase. Most of the purchased materials are imported from Japan and Germany. The fluctuating world prices shift the costs from time to time making it quite impossible to project the actual cost of materials. Propulsion materials have a high depreciation rate due to the busy schedule of the transport company in all the segments in deals in. In shipping and land courier services, the expense is high on oil and engine spare parts. The cost of petrol, gearbox replacements is high and almost a fixed cost because it is the only available method of propulsion. For shipping high capacity, diesel engines are expensive to repair and the oil prices keep rising regardless of the increase in the cost of different engine models. In the last financial period, the company had to purchase more spare parts for the ship engines and 20 more courier vans to serve on the land segment. The overall cost of the company doubled even when the cost of technical support, auxiliary systems, and electrical appliances remained the same. This significantly affected the profit margin going down at its lowest in a decade. Fees and insurance has

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Western Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Western Culture - Essay Example Centuries ago, the culture of a country was modified by wars and invasions. But now cultures are influenced by the corporate scenario in the country. Whenever a corporate giant enters a country’s local markets, it inevitably introduces a few subtle variations in the existing cultural practices. At the same time, the company has to respect local sensibilities and make certain changes in their strategies. A company’s success in the local markets depends immensely on how skillfully they negotiate the culture of that country, and in turn use it to their advantage. Once the company strikes the right balance, there is an intermingling of cultures, which introduces western cultural influences to the already existing local norms. A failure on the part of the company to adapt to local practices can prove to be a business disaster. For instance, the retail giant Wal-Mart was forced to completely shut down its operations in Germany and South Korea, when the local public did not approve of their characteristic working styles. (Schaefer, 2009) It would be beneficial to study an example to facilitate a better understanding of the influences of western culture brought about by corporate giants. McDonald’s, the world’s largest chain of fast food restaurants has more than 30,000 restaurants in nearly a 100 countries and serves approximately 52 million people daily (Bhushan, 2002). McDonald’s was one of the first corporations to pioneer the field of quick service restaurants. It’s franchise in India is owned and managed locally, employing local staff and product suppliers. Hardcastle Restaurants Private Limited owns and manages McDonalds restaurants in the western region of India, while the northern territory restaurants are owned and managed by Vikram Bakshi’s Connaught Plaza Restaurants Private Limited. The first Mc Donald’s outlet was opened in India’s capital, New Delhi in October, 1996 and currently there are a total of 132 restaurants in the whole of

Monday, October 28, 2019

APush History Term Paper Essay Example for Free

APush History Term Paper Essay Robert La Follette, the son of a small farmer, was born in Dane County, Wisconsin, on 14th June, 1855. He worked as a farm labourer before entering the University of Wisconsin in 1875. In 1876 La Follette met Robert G. Ingersoll. He later recalled: Ingersoll had a tremendous influence upon me, as indeed he had upon many young men at the time. It was not that he changed my beliefs, but he liberated my mind. Freedom was what preached: he wanted the shackles off everywhere. He wanted men to think boldly about all things: he demanded intellectual and moral courage. After graduating in 1879 he set up as a lawyer and the following year became District Attorney of Dane County. Elected to Congress as a Republican, La Follette was extremely critical of the behaviour of some of the party bosses. In 1891, La Follette announced that the state Republican boss, Senator Philetus Sawyer, had offered him a bribe to fix a court case. Over the next six years La Follette built up a loyal following within the Republican Party in opposition to the power of the official leadership. Proposing a programme of tax reform, corporation regulation and an extension of political democracy, La Follette was elected governor of Wisconsin in 1900. Once in power La Follette employed the academic staff of the University of Wisconsin to draft bills and administer the laws that he introduced. He later recalled: I made it a policy, in order to bring all the reserves of knowledge and inspiration of the university more to the service of the people, to appoint experts from the university wherever possible upon the important boards of the state the civil service commission, the railroad commission and so on a relationship which the university has always encouraged and by which the state has greatly profited. La Follette was also successful in persuading the federal government to introduce much needed reforms. This included the regulation of the railway industry and equalized tax assessment. In 1906 La Follette was elected to the Senate and over the next few years argued that his main role was to protect the people from the selfish interests. He claimed that the nations economy was dominated by fewer than 100 industrialists. He went on to argue that these men then used this power to control the political process. La Follette supported the growth of trade unions as he saw them as a check on the power of large corporations. In 1909 La Follette and his wife, the feminist, Belle La Follette founded the La Follettes Weekly Magazine. The journal campaigned for womens suffrage, racial equality and other progressive causes. Lincoln Steffens argued: La Follette is the opposite of a demagogue. Capable of fierce invective, his oratory is impersonal; passionate and emotional himself, his speeches are temperate. Some of them are so loaded with facts and such closely knit arguments that they demand careful reading, and their effect is traced to his delivery, which is forceful, emphatic, and fascinating. Art Young, The Masses (1917) La Follette supported Woodrow Wilson in the 1912 presidential election and approved his social justice legislation. However, he complained that he was under the control of big business and was totally opposed to Wilsons decision to enter the First World War. Once war was declared La Follette opposed conscription and the passing of the Espionage Act. La Follette was accused of treason but was a popular hero with the anti-war movement. Lincoln Steffens was a great supporter of La Follette: Governor La Follette was a powerful man, who, short but solid, swift and willful in motion, in speech, in decision, gave the impression of a tall, a big man what I saw at my first sight of him was a sincere, ardent man who, whether standing, sitting, or in motion, but the grace of trained strength, both physical and mental Rather short in stature, but broad and strong, he had the gift of muscled, nervous power, he kept himself in training all his life. His sincerity, his integrity, his complete devotion to his ideal, were indubitable; no one who heard could suspect his singleness of purpose or his courage. La Follette became the candidate of the Progressive Party in the 1924 presidential election. Although he gained support from trade unions, individuals like Fiorello La Guardia and Vito Marcantonio, the Socialist Party and the Scripps-Howard newspaper chain, La Follette and his running partner, Burton K. Wheeler, only won one-sixth of the votes. Robert La Follette died on 18th June, 1925.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Investigating Fuels :: Papers

Investigating Fuels Aim; To find out the heat of combustion in the five fuels; Methanol, Ethanol, Propanol, Butanol, Pentanol, All of these alcohols are apart of the Hydrocarbon chain. Apparatus; I will need the following to carry out my investigation for the Experiment; Top pan balance - To measure the weight of the fuel. Clamp Stand - To hold the boiling tube above the crucible. Boiling tube - To hold 30 cubic centimetres of water in. Heat proof mat - So the Bunsen burner doesn't burn the table. Bunsen burner - I need the flame to light the taper. Measuring cylinder - To measure 30cc of water in. Mineral wool - So the taper can light the fuel easier. A stop clock - To time how long the fuel will burn. Taper - To light the fuel by using the flame from the Bunsen burner. Ruler - To measure the distance from the crucible to the boiling tube. Crucible - To carry the mineral wool and fuel in it. Diagram; Plan; First of all, I will set the clamp stand 3.5cm vertically higher then the crucible which then I put some mineral wool in and 30 drops of the fuel in. After that I am going to weigh the crucible making sure there is no other liquid or any other substances on the weigher, so I don't do not get any anomalous results. After I have recorded the weight I am going to place the crucible directly under the boiling tube, like shown in the diagram, and then I am going to pour 30 cubic centimetres into the measuring cylinder. To make sure I have exactly 30 cubic centimetres in the cylinder I have to get down on my knee and get my eye sight level to the mark which is labelled "30cc" to get the experiment as accurate and reliable as I can. When I am satisfied with how much water I have got in the cylinder, I will pour it in the

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Edwige Danticat’s Tones in We Are Ugly, But We Are Here :: Danticat We Are Ugly

Edwige Danticat’s Tones in We Are Ugly, But We Are Here   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When I first read â€Å"We Are Ugly, But We Are Here,† I was stunned to learn how women in Haiti were treated. Edwige Danticat, who was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in 1969 and immigrated to Brooklyn when she was twelve years old, writes about her experiences in Haiti and about the lives of her ancestors that she links to her own. Her specific purpose is to discuss what all these families went through, especially the women, in order to offer the next generation a voice and a future. Danticat writes vividly about events that occurred in Haiti, leading up to an assertion about the strength of Haitian women. Her essay is powerful in large part because of how she manages tone.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Danticat begins her essay with a tragic and bitter tone. She tells of the first people who were murdered when the Spaniards came to Haiti including Queen Anacaona, an Arawak Indian who ruled over the western part of the island. With bitterness she states, â€Å"Anacaona was one of their first victims. She was raped and killed and her village pillaged† (137).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   After establishing this sad and bitter tone, Danticat moves to a more rejoiceful tone when she reminisces about the times when her grandmother would tell her stories: â€Å"My grandmother was an old country woman who always felt displaced in the City of Port-au-Prince—where we lived—and had nothing but her patched-up quilts and her stories to console her. She was the one who told me about Anacaona† (137). Danticat then shifts to a more neutral tone when she recalls her grandmother’s peaceful death with her eyes open. She took her grandmother’s death calmly because death was so frequent in Haiti. She further explains, â€Å"I have such a strong feeling that death is not the end, that the people we bury are going off to live somewhere else† (138).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Danticat’s factual tone becomes angrier when she remembers that the news broadcasts never mention women in places like Haiti. It was often hard to tell whether any women were living or breathing: â€Å"The women’s stories never manage to make the front page. However, they do exist† (139). The anger increases to outrage when she details atrocities committed including the shooting of a woman in her pregnant stomach because she was wearing a t-shirt that had an â€Å"anti-military image† on it (139).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Crosby V. National Foreign Trade Council

Crosby V. National Foreign Trade Council (99-474) 530 U. S. 363 (2000) 181 F. 3d 38, Affirmed. Crosby, Secretary of Administration and Finance of Massachusetts, Et Al. V. National Foreign Trade Council. Certiorari to the United States Court Of Appeals for the First Circuit. No. 99—474. Argued March 22, 2000–Decided June 19, 2000 2. Substantive Facts The State of Massachusetts barred companies of the state from going into financial negotiations with those companies that were having financial transaction with Burma.This law was passed in 1996. This law was followed by a subsequent conditional and mandatory imposition of sanctions on Burma by the Congress. After these incidents dissents arise from different quarters and the Council acted as respondent suited a file against the State of Massachusetts. The reason behind this was that much of the members of the Council were affected by the law. This suit was filed in the Federal Court. 3. Procedural HistoryThe main aspects of the issue was related to the fact that it was claimed that the State of Massachusetts was acting in an unconstitutional manner and it was an alleged infringement â€Å"on the federal foreign affairs power, violates the Foreign Commerce Clause, and is preempted by the federal Act. The District Court permanently enjoined the state Act’s enforcement, and the First Circuit affirmed† (Supreme Court of The United States, 1). 4. Issues legal questionThe fundamental legal question in this context was whether it was permitted under the jurisdiction of the State of Massachusetts to intervene in issues related to imposition of law that would directly affect a State and whether it was permitted under the jurisdiction of the State of Massachusetts to infringe on the grounds of Federal Foreign Affairs. 5. Broad holding Under the broad parameters of the law it could be stated that it is important to uphold the national policies in order to defend the Congress’s intention of f oreign policies.Under the same parameters it could also be stated that the policies of the Federal Foreign Affairs should not face any obstacle under any circumstances. It could be stated that â€Å"the state Act interferes with Congress’s intention to limit economic pressure against the Burmese Government to a specific range† (Supreme Court of The United States, 1). 6. Narrow holding The specific facts of this case indicated that the â€Å"Congress’s failure to preempt state and local sanctions demonstrates implicit permission–is unavailing† (Supreme Court of The United States, 1).However it should be stated that the basic assumption of the Supreme Court Clause hardly recognizes the conflict of interest between State Law and Federal Law system. 7. Doctrinal Reasoning The ruling stated that â€Å"the state Act is preempted, and its application unconstitutional, under the Supremacy Clause† (Supreme Court of The United States, 1). It should be mentioned that the doctrinal reasoning behind this rule is based on different previous cases and follows a specific line of explanation.It was stated that â€Å"even without an express preemption provision, state law must yield to a congressional Act if Congress intends to occupy the field, California v. ARC America Corp. , 490 U. S. 93, 100, or to the extent of any conflict with a federal statute, Hines v. Davidowitz, 312 U. S. 52, 66—67† (Supreme Court of The United States, 1). Additionally the† Barclays Bank PLC v. Franchise Tax Bd. of Cal. , 512 U. S. 298† was also used (Supreme Court of The United States, 1).It was reasoned that the State law was barring the basic objectives and purposes of the Congress it was not possible to oblige both the Federal and the State Law at the same time and no individual or party was able to satisfy both laws at one time. It also stated that â€Å"the state Act is such an obstacle, for it undermines the intended purpose and natural effect of at least three federal Act provisions† (Supreme Court of The United States, 1). 8. Policy Reasoning The social consideration in this context of the case between Crosby V.National Foreign Trade Council was very clear and precise as the fundamental question of the case was directly related to the international status of the country and the credibility of the National Foreign Trade Council as an effective policy maker. Thus the greater aspects of the national integrity were taken into consideration while ruling. 9. Miscellaneous The basic dissent relating to the case Crosby V. National Foreign Trade Council raised from the fact that it was argued that the National Foreign Trade Council should not be taken into consideration while judging the internal financial activities of a State.It is also argued that a State is assumed as a fundamental sovereign power to impose of rule out policies that are associated with the State affairs. Thus it was argued that the ruling was against the sovereignty of the State. References: Supreme Court of The United States. 2000. Crosby V. National Foreign Trade Council (99-474) 530 U. S. 363 (2000). Supreme Court Collection: Cornell University Law School. Retrieved on 12. 09. 2007 from http://www. law. cornell. edu/supct/html/99-474. ZS. html

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

John Marshalls Court rulings essays

John Marshalls Court rulings essays Hamilton was a federalist and served as the secretary of the treasury in the 1890s. He was a strong supporter of a centralized federal government. He also advocated loose interpretation of the u.s. constitution and the use of the elastic clause. Which was an ambiguous power of the federal government stating that congress can do what it is proper and necessary john Marshalls epitomizing of these Hamiltonian principals and philosophies can be seen in several of his court rulings. Such as, McCulloch vs. Maryland, Dartmouth college vs. Woodward, Gibbons vs. Ogden, and Cohens vs. Virginia. In the case Mcculloch vs. Maryland in 1819, Maryland brought a suit against McCulloch and bands him for refusing to pay a tax on the federal bank. Marshall said, the power to tax implies the power to destroy. Marshalls ruling sanctified the federal governments user of implied powers. His decision was in favor of the federal bank. It established the national supremacy over state governments. It also paved the way for vast expansion of federal power in the future. In the case of Dartmouth college vs. Woodward in 1919 as well, Dartmouth was telling its case on how they had been chartered in 1769 as a private school to train missionaries and native Americans in new Hampshire. Republican members of the board of trustees sought to have the state legislature convert the school into a new state university. The state court supported contention that the state had the right to alter the schools charter. The courts ruling was in favor of the republican board members. Daniel Webster appealed to the Supreme Court and Marshall overturned the state courts decision. This set the precedent for the Gosceant contract. It also set a precedent for the supreme courts power to overturn the state courts decisions. Which again had strengthened the central governments. In 1824 the Cohens were arrested for selling l...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Pride Prejudice †book review

Pride Prejudice – book review Free Online Research Papers Love and Security Sometimes inspiration can come when you least expect it. A smile from a stranger or a song on the radio can ignite your imagination and instantly transport you to a different time and place. I recently experienced this when I heard a song by the Eagles entitled â€Å"Lyin’ Eyes†. The song is about a girl who has to choose between love and security. After I heard this, I could now relate to Mr. Darcy’s struggle to find love. In reading Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Darcy is a man conflicted with feelings about love and a desire to follow the wishes of his family. Darcy’s proposal to Elizabeth is the most pivotal scene in the book because it’s the first time he is vulnerable to the opinion of others. However, when he enters the room to unveil his feelings for Elizabeth, he presents himself as a man in complete control assured of the answer she will give to him, â€Å"He spoke of apprehension and anxiety, but his countenance expressed real security† (125). Little does he know that Elizabeth will expose the fear of many men by refusing his proposal. This scene sets up the rest of the book and it outlines two choices Darcy must make about the type of man he wants to be. Will he be someone that offers love above all else or someone that offers security which is guaranteed by his social status? I feel that Darcy does not understand the effect of his family values on his relationships with other people. This makes him vulnerable when he interacts with people from a lower social status because when he offers help to someone and they accept it, he feels that the person should be grateful for the offer. I believe that these feelings are not isolated to the Darcy family but in fact exist throughout the elite social class. This is of course is in stark contrast to Elizabeth. She is motivated by her feelings not by material things. For example, when Mr. Collins proposed to Elizabeth, it was not out of love; it had more to do with the accumulation of wealth along with the offer of security. Offering security to Elizabeth was clearly not a problem to Mr. Darcy but his arrogance put him at risk to associate with people around him. During one such event held at Netherfield by Mr. Bingley, Mr. Darcy viewed the party attendees with disparaging eyes. For instance at the party, Elizabeth overheard Darcy saying to Mr. Bingley â€Å"She is tolerable but not handsome enough to tempt me; and I am in no humor at the present to give consequences to young ladies who are slighted by other men† (9). Without any precaution, Darcy formed his opinion based on outside appearance of a person. When Darcy later proposed to Elizabeth, she clearly recalled how his comments made her feel but did not bother to take his feelings into account when she rejected his marriage proposal. I don’t blame Elizabeth for being so insensitive to Darcy’s feeling because you can’t just judge the book by its cover. Judging too quickly seems to be a theme that appears throughout the book. Darcy tried to atone for his actions in a letter that he penned to Elizabeth but inadvertently exposed himself to more contemptible outbursts from her. In the letter he tried to explain why he had intervened between Jane and Mr. Bingley. In his defense, he tried to relate how the two should not be together but ended up just sounding boorish and insensitive. Elizabeth struggled reading the letter because there were parts of it which affirmed her feelings for him while others appeared to contradict her deeply held beliefs about him. Using the letter to communicate their feelings only seemed to exasperate the situation; a one-sided conversation can be had either by pen or by yelling. If these two people could just be in the same room and talk about their feelings! I chose the passage in the novel about Darcy’s wedding proposal because it seems to signal a pivotal change in their relationship. It seems like the author, Jane Austen, has set up the situation so the reader cannot quite lose hope that Elizabeth and Darcy will soon to marry. However, it is not until Darcy realizes that he must mature his feelings and beliefs about love that he can begin to appreciate Elizabeth. Since all of Elizabeth’s doubt about Darcy’s character is only known to the reader, I anticipated his transformation with each page. Research Papers on Pride Honest Iagos Truth through Deception19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraCapital PunishmentIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalQuebec and CanadaComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoStandardized Testing